Anemones and Dansel story.


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
Anemone - I have 2 and one would always be more than happy to eat shrimp every other day but usually I waited 3 days between feedings. It would always be enjoying life almost directly in the flow of my Aqueon 1250 Powerhead. It would sit near the top of the tank ands close to the powerhead.

The other Anemone spent about 4-5 weeks if not more hiding and almost never eating. It stayed out of the light usually and far away from any heavy water movement. It probably ate shrimp maybe 1 time a week and almost seemed too weak to hold it. I think it just wasn't into it.

I had to rearrange my rock and it happened to be on a piece that I had to turn(trying no to pinch it) so it ended up facing out toward the front of the tank and so far it has stayed in that general area.

I have since gotten much more powerful lights but it rarely hides but spends most of its time stretched all the way out from under the rock that is suspended like 6 inches off the ground. It is like 5 inches long probably and opens up with a huge mouth.

The other one who loved the shrimp seems more bushy in the way it sits and its base is always short although on rare occasions it stretches out.

So I got squid for them and so far they both hog it down. The one who didn't eat much shrimp almost inhales the wads of squid. It ate 2 before the other ate one.

Damsels - I put one Domino and one Blue with a yellow tail in the tank and for days they were fine. They ate and swam around and hid behind the rock when the lights went out.

I noticed yesterday the Domino was missing. I looked everywhere and could not find it. I figured I would wait but it never showed up.

I do not know how it must have died but that is all I can guess. I thought maybe the Mantis killed it because he liked to chill at the back of the tank where I am pretty sure the Mantis is.

In my tank like probably many others if something hits the floor it is eaten up quick by the hermits and snails.

I dropped a small piece of squid and it was gone in like 10 minutes.

That is my little story about my tank. Hope you enjoyed it a little.

We need a Boring Stories section for stuff like this and to put just things going on in your little community in your tanks. HAHA
Well from what I read the Domino should have been the killer.

I found them hanging out together in the mornings behind the same rock but during the day they were on the opposite ends of the tank.

All of my Porcelain Crabs hang out in the same area. I would think they most flow is on the left of the tank but they all hang out on the right. They are NEVER on the side of the overflow(built in) They hang out in groups of about 7 just sweeping the water..
I read that some of my corals and critters require high water flow but have discovered that is often not the case. My corals stay completely shut when I point the blowers right at the reef and my anemones have found spots with only moderate flow.

I have learned to believe half of what I read and to base my choices on research just for reference and trial and error.

These are living creatures and what one likes isnt necessarily the case for ALL of them.
I believe that for sure. I have had a lot in my tank with high levels of Nitrate and they are just fine as is. I mean yes I am trying to lower it right now but they can take higher levels. It is like living in California as opposed to New Zealand I guess.

I have this thing that has been attached to my rock since I put it in the tank. It closes if you touch it. It looks like a bent thumb but the skin/shape is like corn on the cob but with big kernels. It is hollow at the tip but I can't see in it. It does have algae on it a little.

I took 2 pix of it but maybe you can tell. One is fuzzy.

I want to get some pix of my Anemones tonight and my sump setup.


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Well when it comes to water parameters I wouldnt make my creatures endure high levels of nitrates or ammonia its really not fair to them and you are the one in control of their living situation.

Your signature says 1day experience I hope that is not accurate!

How long have you had your tank and what exactly are you doing to lower the nitrates?
10 weeks

I did not put them in the tank with high Nitrates. I put them in the tank with part 2 of my Tampa Bay Saltwater package.

The only this I have added were the fish. I talked to and read a lot on the Nitrates and at least half of the stuff I got as feedback suggested my Nitrated were not high because of my cycle not being done.

Currently I have Seachem Di*Nitrate mix with the Matrix(high water flo) in my sump and I have also put in Kordon Amquel Plus.

I have only read about the 2 and never heard anything bad except that a few people said it didn't help but most were positive.

If it does what it says my Nitrates should be pretty much non-existent by tomorrow.

My Ammonia was only .125 if that.

I don't think they animals are doing bad in the water. They all seem to be doing their thing. Even the Brittles seem happy I guess.
My sig does say 1 day because that was it at the time I joined.

I also see you live in Orlando. I am always over there. We have year passes to the Magic Kingdom/Epcot/Animal Kingdom/Hollywood Studios and we like to go to eat at the Beach Club and Gaylord Palms. I even went the Ice thing they had there last year.

I would live near there if I could. I mean my neighborhood is awesome because we have a huge clubhouse with a huge pool and kid land and a lake with a dock and weight room, etc. and all that stuff but I workout at home and would rather live by Disney HAHA
Ok just making sure! :) Yeah they will be ok its part of the cycle I love TBS! I got my sponges, crabs and anemones from them. I am going to order about 15 more lbs of rock in a couple of weeks from them I cant wait.

I live near downtown we hardly ever go to the tourist side of town. We had Universal passes which I liked better, way more coasters. Plus disney is so expensive for passes and dont let you do a pay plan like universal.

Where abouts do you live?
I live north of Tampa in Pasco County. It is not a cow pasture like some people say. It has creeps from everywhere haha.

My house is a little away from US 19 but it is like 10 minutes in a car.

I did have Universal passes before these and a Seaworld one as well and a Busch Gardens since they are on the same one.(Seaworld/Busch Gardens)

I am actually taking my mom up to Georgia to the Aquarium. It is like the biggest in the world I think.

I have been there 2 times and man it is huge and the tank they have is like 2 or 3 stories high and has I think 2 whale sharks. Either way it has 5 sections of different kinds of eco systems and they have like 27 HUGE Skimmers.

Look it up, it was really cool.

Georgia is actually really nice to go to. Everything always looks so neat and manicured. Well at least where we go to.

So anyway about the tank, yeah I love my rock from them and I met the owner Richard a few times. Really cool guy. I just drove to his house to get my stuff.

I want to get some new pix of the Anemones and more setup stuff but I am so busy since I do work at home as well. Have some bars to do work for because this weekend is the Chasco Fiesta parade and I want to get my companies stuff in there. I have a meeting there tonight. Yay for alcohol!! I don't drink though but if it helps my company then YAY for Alcohol!!
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Thats cool Richard also sent me 2 anemones as well I am pretty nervous about them but I am trying to give them a chance. Today I got home from work and they were both shrunken up TINY like 1/4th of their normal size so I started to search and noticed that you posted the same thing a few weeks ago!

Did you upgrade your lights or do you still have the same lights?

Richard says they dont need nearly as much light as everyone says but I just dont want it to die and kill my blenny and goby that would suck.

I love aquariums I will look that one up. I am from Tennessee originally so I have spent some time in Georgia. I love that huge tank at Seaworld that has the tunnel you get to walk through freakin awesome
Yeah about the Anemones or at least the 2 I got from him.

One stays up top and the other hides from the lights so they will go where they like it.

I started with an Aquaticlife 4x54 T5 and now have the Nova Extreme pro 6x54 and so yes I did upgrade my lights since I got them originally but think about that all I had was 4x54 with them both.

I mean I have a lot of rock in my tank so the one was able to be very close to the lights. Check out the pix I have and you will see how much rock is in there. Here is the link to the pix from start to finish.

I took a bunch tonight but can't find the powercord to my HD Cam to put them on my MacPro. It is silly that you have to have the powercord plugged in.

I went to take a pic of the Anemone that likes to sit horizontal and opens up wide to where you can see the whole mouth and everything and it was shrunk up to nothing. The first time I saw that I was like whoa whoa whats going on so I know how you felt but they do that a lot and they blow back up in no time. I turned to do something and it was like boing. I was thinking man that was fast.

Yeah the Seaworld one is nice but trust me when I say the Georgia Aquarium is the top for this stuff. Only bad thing is every time I go there are multiple groups there and you don't get to just watch stuff for a long time. Only the huge tank you can just sit in the room and it is like man I got lazy and have to sit and watch.

Hopefully tomorrow I can find the cord. I have to stay up and work late on this book I make each month and I also have to do a webpage ad for this big famous (I guess) bar on Main Street for the parade. I am hoping it gets me a lot of biz and the lady who owns it was happy to help a local biz and it is free for her. plus she is letting us do promotions in there during the Chasco Parade. Woot Woot!!

Just check tomorrow and hopefully I can get them up some time.