Algea ID/Help


Reefing newb
Well after about 1 year of neglect I have started trying to get my tank back into shape. Needless to say it was in pretty bad shape and algea was out of control. Step one was the red slime/Cyanobacteria I had. New bulbs, regular water changes, red smile remover, and adding a Koralia 750 seem to have the Cyano on the ropes and it has not come back :::fingers crossed:::. Now the issue I still have is a red hair algea growing on my rocks. It doesnt look like the Red Turf Algea pictures I have seen and it feels like a coarse hair texture. I have added about 55 blue leg hermits, 15 scarlette hermits and 2 emerald crabs. So far I can't tell if the hermits are eating the stuff. On the other hand the two emeralds seem to love it but thier progress is painfully slow. Other then adding about 20 more emerald crabs, anyone know what this is or how to get rid of it? pulling it by hand just tears some off but leaves the base.


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Well is this a different type of red turf? Mine doesn't look like whats shown in that thread (no vine like branches), it does not feel "velvety" just coarse/bushy, and although it's growing from the rocks the longer clumps can be torn off with little effort unlike what Sen discribed in that thread. Other then being a reddish/maroon color I don't see any similarities. It grows pretty slow and like I said my Emerald crabs are very slowly eatting it but at this rate it could take many months. Any other opinions on what this is or how to deal with it?
Anyone else? Mine isnt "velvety" and doesnt have the vine-like branches that I have seen with Red Turf. It's just coarse and bushy. Like I said my new emeralds are eating it very slowly but at this rate its going to take many months if ever for them to get caught up.
You could try a black out. Or increasing flow to the problem areas. You could always add more emeralds and rehome them when the algae is gone.