My Flame angel has more problems


Reefing newb
My flames left eye is foggy and swollen, does anyone n
know what it could be? but when i look closer he also has little marks under his eye, is it a parasite or an injury, will it go away?
possibly pop eye,angels are very susceptible to it...does it look like this


  • dc64acf9_Angelpopeye.webp
    16.4 KB · Views: 1,295
thats what it looks like but not so bad, but yea he eats pretty good, but im gonna see about trading him back to my lfs cuz i dont want him to die and be a waste of 70 bucks
You really should just give him a couple more days. He'll probably pull through just fine and moving him would just stress him out more.
My fresh water angels have gotten pop eye before, we always treat for parasites and it goes away. I am not sure how you treat them on the saltwater side though.
Not to be the negative guy, but the first flame I was going to get, had a cloudy eye a week after I put it on hold at the LFS. When I went to the store a week later to see if it was better and to pick it up they were getting on the phone to call me and say it died. Not sure if it was the same thing but it did take long to kill the fish. Hope this turns out better.
I agree with the others that moving it now would be a mistake. just keep it eating and make sure you are feeding it good food with vitamin C. Also... $70 seems a bit high for a Flame... Might consider a new LFS