Need help identifying.

saltwater sasquatch

Reefing newb
Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone can help me identify these they were attached to a polyp I bought a long time ago and now they are all over my tank. Are they bad?


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Both, they pack a puch to other corals and will QUICKLY take over your tank. Aptasia X works wonders and will keep it under control. You inject the stuff over their mouths and they explode...
As you have seen for yourself, if left alone they will grow out of control. By injecting them, you will need to buy a syringe as well. You inject them straight in their mouth.
Oh, and don't try to tug, pull, scrape, or remove them from the tank manually. This causes them to multiply. Injecting is your only option. (Besides taking all the rock out and boiling it, but this kills everything.)
They hurt when you touch them too

I had one in my tank and i touched it on accident (that was actually how i found it) and it was not pleasant.