is this normal


Reefing newb
Is this normal...? it appears it mounted my other polyp. Is it something I should worry about?

Any thoughts?



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It is normal for them to move around until they find a suitable place to anchor down. It will sting those zoanthids so I'd try to move one of them.
he seem's to have found he's happy place so, I'd just leave it and wish the zoe's the best.. the more you mess with trying to "place" nem's the worse thing's can get.. alot of people make the mistake of trying to place the nem where THEY want it (myself) included just to piss off the nem, hell I've had one half in the overflow ond half in the tank, what a mess that was..
it moved off my zoas now. i come home and see my peppermint shrimp picking on my it...should i worry about that?

thanks in advance.