clowns dont like their new home


Reefing newb
we just got a white long tentacle anemone, and 2 percula clowns, the anemone looks happy, and it seems like they want to go in but they just hang out in the corner instead. they come out and swim around for a bit, then go back to a corner. we have 2 96 watt 36"coral life bulbs one blue actinic and a 10,000k in a 30 gallon tank. the lady at the lfs said the clowns would like it but no one really seemed to knowledgeable. Can anyone make a positive id on this species?


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it looks like a condyalctis anemone which is not a natural host for clownfish. And I have read on some sites that the anemone will even eat clownfish.
It's hard for me to tell because I'm on my phone but I'm fairly certain thats not a LTA. LTAs are sand dwelling nems so if it is by chance one then it's definitely not happy where it is. Also just because you put an anemone in your tank doesn't mean the clowns will go to it. The spot your clowns keep swimming back to is the spot that is hosting the clowns right now.

Like I said I can't see it very well and I'll edit my post when I get home if I need to but, It looks more like a Condy anemone to me. Also, how long has your tank been setup anemones don't do well in newer tanks generally less then a year old. And as far as it's color, there is no such thing as a healthy white anemone. Even nems that appear white should have more of a tannish color to them. White is an indication of poor health.
That looks like a bleached condy anemone. Its white color indicates that it's not very healthy. Your lights are not going to be strong enough to keep it.

dartmyth is right -- condy anemones do not naturally host clowns. Your clowns may completely ignore it, but they could do that for any anemone you put in there.

I would take it back to the store. Never buy a white anemone -- they are bleached.
hmm interesting, although it looks pretty white its more of a pink hue with nice purple tips, it adhered right away to the rock and we fed it a little chunk of clam today, which it seemed to love and now looks very happy, do those bulbs wear out? i thought we would have enough light for it. according to my calcs thats 6.4 watts per gallon. But maybe im just being hopeful,it does look beautiful.
While 6.4 watts is a good amount of light, PC lights just don't have the intensity to keep an anemone long term. 96w of PC isn't as strong as 96w of T5 or MH
ok thanks for the advise!! he looks so sweet i think ill keep him for a few days anyways and see if the clowns will take to him before i try to take him back, its a 2 hour drive to the lfs!!
also, how often is considered regular? and how much? We went to a local seafood store and got a few live clams which yields a piece about the size of a dime. and can you feed frozen shrimp from the grocery store? i was kinda worried about phosphates they might be dipped in as preservatives.
You can feed the frozen shrimp as long as it's not seasoned. I don't like to feed my nem more than once a week but, with weaker lighting you will have to feed lore often.