Anyone running Bio-Pellets?


It wasn't me!
I am going to start running Warner Marine Bio-Pellets here in the next week or so. I just oicked up a Nextreef MR1 Reactor to run them, and then daisey chain them into another reactor with carbon. Is anyone here running them as well?
I'm running BRS Bio-Pellets. I don't know if you'll be able to run the reactors in line tho. The bio-pellets need alot of flow to keep them tumbling and not such much flow for the carbon or you can crush/grind it up.
I'm running BRS Bio-Pellets. I don't know if you'll be able to run the reactors in line tho. The bio-pellets need alot of flow to keep them tumbling and not such much flow for the carbon or you can crush/grind it up.

I thought the same thing. However I have a buddy that have been running this way for about a year now on an SPS dominated tank. He is the one that told me to run that way. I've researched, and read and it seems that really no one else is running a daisey chaned system like his. He also is not running his discharge near the skimmer intake like everyone else. For some reason it is working for him, my luck it wouldn't for me. I think I will run the discharge to the skimmer pump intake as suggested in the directions, but still wanted feed back from anyone else that was running them.

Larry, how long have you had them in your system and what is your experience with them thus far?
I've been running them a few months. Some of the colors, especially purples were fading on some of my SPS and I wanted to see if they would make any difference. It seems like the colors are coming back, but I also had some bleaching on a few millies. I haven't seem any major difference with anything tho. Nitrates and phosphates were always undectable.
I think I might be interested in running these things too. I recently began keeping SPS and am having good results thus far. These Bio-pellets sound to be good for removing PO4 and Nitrates. Have you found that to be true ccCapt?
To be totally honest, I don't know if they are making a difference or not. My nitrate and phosphate levels have always been undectable and I always ran carbon and GFO...and I still do even with the bio-pellets. There may be an improvement in the SPS colors, but it's nothing drastic at this point.
I've read where people had cyano problems or their water getting cloudy when they started running them. Neither has happened to me. I do have the output of the bio-pellet reactor at the input of my skimmer pump and the skimmer doesn't produce quite as much skimmate as before, but what it does produce stinks so bad it wants to make you puke (not that it smelled like roses before).
To be totally honest, I don't know if they are making a difference or not. My nitrate and phosphate levels have always been undectable and I always ran carbon and GFO...and I still do even with the bio-pellets. There may be an improvement in the SPS colors, but it's nothing drastic at this point.
I've read where people had cyano problems or their water getting cloudy when they started running them. Neither has happened to me. I do have the output of the bio-pellet reactor at the input of my skimmer pump and the skimmer doesn't produce quite as much skimmate as before, but what it does produce stinks so bad it wants to make you puke (not that it smelled like roses before).

LOL, I've read that, and heard similar stories. Most people thought maybe their cloudiness came from adding to much initially, I don't know. My friend who has had them up for a year now swears by them, no ill effects, and his tank looks great. His skimmer though, like yours, does throw off some of the worst stench I've had the mis-fortune to be around.
I picked up a Nextreef MR1 reactor (for free), and got the Warner Marine Bio Pellets yesterday. I'm ready to start it up as soon as I am back in town.
I gots me connections! :death:

Actually, one of the kids at the LFS had it, was not using it, and is down grading from a 120, so he gave it to me, with the MJ1200 to drive it.:bounce:

I was willing to trade him a chalice or 2 for it, since that is what he is into, but he wanted to give it to me.
Dave, you should be able to use the MJ1200. They are cheap and reliable, and will be strong enough. You may even have to use a restrictor valve.
Here it is


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