Help amphipods decimated zoas

Are you sure they weren't nudibranches? Also, sometimes zoos just melt away for no good reason, I've had it happen with several of my frags.
It won't let me upload right now is says please try again later, I'm using an iPhone with photobucket app which URL do I copy and there deff amphipods
Hopefully it worked this time


  • da71e8b2.jpg
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No there all gone now but when I saw the amphipods eating them I moved them and they scurried away and the next night they were back to finish the job
Hmm bummer I ddnt think about that, but they still opened the second day and then they were gone,and what eats amphipods cause I have alot
Thats weird cause I had the same problem. And thats kinda what they looked like. Not the Nubi. I stopped buying them and switched to SPS.
His tank is too small for a mandarin. And I love my pods! Other fish will eat them, too. What do you have in there now?

And +1 BJ.
Just a yellow clown goby and a small banded pipefish and clean up crew, I was thinking a coral beauty or sixline. I want an active swimmer and I'm building a screen lid so jumpers aren't to big of a problem