italipinos Biocube 29


Reefing newb
Guess ill make a tank thread and keep you guys updated with everything i do!!!

Live Stock (As of 2/3/11)
2 occlerius clownfish
Pulsing Xenia
CUC via Reef Cleaners (amazing service)

Running biocube media basket with purigen, chemi-pure, and filter floss

Future Hopefuls
Sixline Wrasse
Goby/Pistol Combo
Frogspawn/ Hammer
Any other Suggestions?

Nice. Is that Xenia? That crap will take over, better get rid of it if it is.

It is xenia. I have noticed small "polyps" growing on since I've had it. Which has been probably about a week! I like it.

Also just ordered some green star polyps!!! Cant wait till they get here!

Im trying to decide on what shrimp i want to get. I have aptasia so i want to get a peppermint shrimp. Should i get a pair of cleaners shrimp or a pair of fire shrimp? Any pros/cons of either?
I like your tank! Nice and clean so far!

I believe either choice would be ok to use. Both of them are a part of the genus Lysmata so they are both cleaner shrimp.
Looking good so far as shrimp, I'd go with the cleaners rather than the fires...the cleaners tend to stay out more, and the fire shrimps hide a lot.
Sexy Shrimp :)

oh and I added a Tiger Pistol and a Watchman Goby to my Aquapod for my first critters! The Tiger Pistol is a Bulldozer.... literally bulldozes sand and digs holes a lot lol... and the watchman stays near and lives in the holes... The only bad thing is they are SUPER skiddish, they will dart into their hole as soon as the see the slightest bit of movement : /
ok guys, i need your help... Is this coralline? I thought it was but just want to make sure.
Not sure if this is the same but it wouldnt come off unless i scraped it with my finger nail.

Just want to make sure this stuff isnt any red turf algae:shock:

Edit: Dont believe it is cyano because it doesnt come off easy
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Sorry to double post but my duncan is doing something wierd. I've been feeding it every day for the past week (not sure if that is to much). And know it seems its spitting stuff back up but really big. I've only feed it mysis and this just seems like a big blob of stuff.
im pretty sure that's coralline. they come in different colors but eventually will turn purple. i had a few rocks that looked exactly like that.
Looks good. I elected to skip the biocube media basket and fill all of chamber 2 with cheato.

Thanks, what are you using a submersible light for the back chamber or a light you hung on the back (and what kind of wattage/lighting)? Right now i just have the ball of chaeto behind my live rock in the display tank... my clowns like to sleep underneath
Yea he did.. I did a water change after that. I am going tomorrow to get a neon green candy cane with 6 heads for $30 from a guy on craigslist! Also might go and get a pair of cleaner shrimp and peppermint shrimp.
Update... New Candy Cane

Just got a new candy cane with 5 heads on it (one is splitting right now). Heres just some pics until they open up. Love them already. I have them in the sand right now but dont know how to attach them to the rock. The guy kinda just broke them off the main colony when i was there. There on a stem like thing (kinda like a tree trunk) this what the grow off of?

Nice candy canes. You can just stick those branches into the crevices of your rockwork.

Wedged it into a crevice right here, is it fine if they are not facing upwards. Got them going horizontal kinda out of the rock work. I like them here and if they can stay ill epoxy them down!!
Are these bottom ones looking good to you? These two heads are splitting and the bottom ones are kinda shriveled up.

Im a worry freak...sorry