novice jbj 23 gal.

Kenny G

Reefing newb
Here are some pics leading up to the present. My 1st 2 rocks with live sand.:Cheers:


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More rock and a cple of frags, cuc and a damsel. Also added a nano circulation pump and a Oceanic Bio Cube Skimmer.


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here it is today. I have added another damsel and a clown fish I got as a gift. I wasn't going to get one yet but it was a gift so, what a ya do? I call him Nemoy ( Star trek fan) The damsels do pretty good together. Considering I heard they would fight. Had an algae out break last week but seems to be getting better with the added circulation and wc's. Now I'm going to let it mature for a while although i already want something to help sift the sand! Always something, right? Yea, I'm hooked


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Looks like you're off to a good start! Real nice red zoas!! Good luck with algae issue. Weekly water changes were key to getting rid of the hair algae and red slime that popped up in my Biocube. Cutting my lights back, increasing flow, and running chemi-pure elite, purigen, and carbon with some filter floss has been a great help as well. You could look into getting some nassarius, olive snails, or small conchs to help stir up the sand as well. I'd recommend nassarius because they are the cheapest and seem to do the job well enough. ;)
I will get ya' some pics tonight. we gotta fix that spelling problem, you know like " no child left behind!" the algae is better with the added circulation but still holdin on in spots that dont get direct water flow but looks better. I have a question, How much of this frozen food should I give. Its called frozen Coral Food by H2O Life. It comes in individual squares appr. 1/2"x 1/2". I have the 3 fish and cuc who love it also. Before the algae I was giving 1/2 of one sq. every other day.
ok, good. I hate holding back feeding when they love it so good! Oh , and I forgot to tell you about the reef accelerator my lfs recomended I use made by instant ocean. Are you familiar with that product? Bottle says 5ml for every 10 gal. and the lfs said every other day.
I believe that's an all-in-one essential elements/calcium supplement? If so, be sure you are testing for whatever is in it. You can overdose on that stuff, and if you're not testing, you have no idea of knowing how much to add.
picked up a few more cleaning crew additions on the way home from work. 6 narcissus snails and 6 very small blue leg hermits. At least it will be something new to watch while i wait for the algae to run its coarse. Algae is improving slowly.


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picked up a few more cleaning crew additions on the way home from work. 6 narcissus snails and 6 very small blue leg hermits. At least it will be something new to watch while i wait for the algae to run its coarse. Algae is improving slowly.

Looks like your clown is interested in the new guys you picked up. :^:
So much for patience! I just got back from checking out a lfs in Sav. Ga. Bought 2 peppermint shrimp and small mushroom.


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