How to put in the corals I got?


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
Ok so I just got all my critters and to my suprise when i opened my box I just picked up from Tampa Bay Saltwater it had a lot of different corals in it. Whether they are actual corals or plants I don't know.

I actually have no clue what anything is and would think I have a limited time to get them in the tank before they die.

I will list them one at a time.

1)Dark red/burgundy plant like thing. It is flat like a pancake in the way it stands but wide. Reminds me of a cactus but it has many many branches.

2) Grayish colored with small brown dots on it. Not real prominent though. It looks almost like an anomone but it isnt wavy like more hard. Reminds me of a pipe cleaner by the look.

3) This one is pinkish gray with much fatter branches. It is spotted with like tiny ovals all over.

4) Looks like the color of a carrot and other is yello. Almost remind me of a sponge but are like plants.

5) The last one is red but reminds me of cauliflower but it has pointed tips. I guess it is in the shape of a bush kind of.

All have rock on the bottom. like where it was snapped off.

I don't know how to put them on my rock like all need to be glued?

6) Sea Anemone. Have 2 you kow with the suction looking bottom. Just drop them and they find their own spot? Float them and do just like a fish?



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Those are fans and sponges. I don't know much about placement on them, other than the sponges should be at the bottom of your tank. Maybe PM d2?
Fans and sponges go to the bottom of the tank..sponges in a lower light area...

SPONGES CANNOT TOUCH AIR...It will kill them.
I ordered 80 dry 80 live 40 crabs 30 snails 2 cucs 2 serpent stars and two shrimp but I also got all those sponges and corals 2 anenomes some extra shells and some silver goby fish.
Every one of those from what i can tell just go in the sand bed. Bury the base if you can.
Be careful though, some of those smaller sponges might be attached to a clam. :)
How come the sponges on my rock didn't die from sitting in air while I looked for crabs? I kept them moist.

I didn't think putting that bag was was a thing you do.
Its not instant. And if you did that, don't expect them to last for very long.
Their pores clog so they can't feed and they will starve to death. Their flesh will start to slowly disintegrate.
Hmm. I have been keeping an eye on them for a week and they look exactly the same. I never had an ammonia spike. It actually was .5PPm and started to get less.

I have the anemones but do I just drop them. I am not sure if I can even touch them.

Also the sponges in the water bags. What I meant was I didn't think I was supposed to mix that water into my tank.

How else can I keep them out of the air unless I open it underwater.

I guess I will keep an eye on them for a while longer. I found some sponge looking stuff that is kind of see through on the rocks as well.

I also caught one of my Porcelain Crabs eating some sponge last night. man he was chomping away haha. He must have been hungry.

Still hear clicking but nothing has disappeared that I can tell.
Also the sponges in the water bags. What I meant was I didn't think I was supposed to mix that water into my tank.

That is good practice, but think about it... everything you put in there (especially sponge) is going to be soaked in that water anyways. therefore it is inevitable. Most nuisance things you get won't be in the water column anyways... they are gonna hitch hike on whatever your adding into the tank.

Some corals (like Zoas) can be dipped. And fish can be quarantined. But some things like sponges... there's not really anything I know of that you can do but put it in your tank and you shouldn't get any pests but that's a risk you take, or just deal with it later.

I am kind of scared to just put the bag in the water and open it and pull the coral/sponges out.

I mean that is a lot of water from the gulf to just put in the tank. One of the bags in the pix has the orange and yellow sponges with that red thing has a lot of water.

I was thinking I could keep dumping my tank water into it or my replacements water into it till it is more mine than gulf water.

One other problem is reaching the tanks bottom to bury them. it is an 80 Gallon Bow and reaching the bottom in sort of hard to do without being on a stand and having the lights off. A real pain.

Lastly there is not much room to even put them.
I am kind of scared to just put the bag in the water and open it and pull the coral/sponges out.

I mean that is a lot of water from the gulf to just put in the tank. One of the bags in the pix has the orange and yellow sponges with that red thing has a lot of water.

I was thinking I could keep dumping my tank water into it or my replacements water into it till it is more mine than gulf water.

One other problem is reaching the tanks bottom to bury them. it is an 80 Gallon Bow and reaching the bottom in sort of hard to do without being on a stand and having the lights off. A real pain.

Lastly there is not much room to even put them.

Dude, stop stressing. ;) Just put the bags in the water, open them up, pull the sponges out and drop them. Then pull the bags out. There's no reason you can't put that water in your tank ESPECIALLY if it's gulf water. Guys here go down to the gulf and pull out NSW for their tank all the time. Water from your LFS tank would be a little different.
TOmorrow they are all sleeping right now. Actually I do have the lights off for the night and I was just about to go to sleep.

I was happier before I put the corals and sponges in but they look ok. Anemones are on the move haha.