Holy Crap!!!


Reefing newb
I think my anemone just ate my Coral Banded Shrimp!! :frustrat: All that I can see are antennae and from arms sticking out.

Unbelievable! How stupid could the CBS have been?? This is the first time I have ever had an anemone eat a tank mate.

Is that normal?? Jeez, I'm bummed out. :grumble:

I was hoping maybe it was just a molt, but I can't find him anywhere in the tank.
Does happen, but I would make sure it just wasnt the molt since usually shrimp go into hiding when they molt.

Sorry to hear about it though.
Hopefully it is just his molt...when shrimps molt, they are prone to hiding...and very well. But if not, then yeah, an anemone will pretty much eat anything except its host.
The picture is a little fuzzy 'cause he's moving with the current, but here is all I can see.....


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Is that a rock flower anemone? If so, I'd personally say it's unlikely that it ate your CBS. I've seen my serpent stars and cleaner shrimp walk on mine and it's never grabbed them.
Yeah, just look around the tank to make sure it wasn't the shrimp just molting. Hope he's still alive in there somewhere!
Is that a rock flower anemone? If so, I'd personally say it's unlikely that it ate your CBS. I've seen my serpent stars and cleaner shrimp walk on mine and it's never grabbed them.

Yep, it's a Rock Flower. It came as a hitchhiker from Tampa Bay when I got my live rock almost a year ago.

Well, if it wasn't a molt before, it is now. The anemone spit it out and it is an empty shell. So far I haven't found my CBS anywhere. Usually he hides in a particular rock cave after he has molted before. I guess if I don't see him in the next couple of days I'll know for sure. :grumble:
Well, it's not looking good. My CBS has molted before and I have seen him soon after. I have not seen him at all today. I think the anemone had him for a snack.

Sad day in our tank. :(