Harmless bristleworm?


Reefing newb
Is this a harmless bristle worm. I have had this worm for around a year with no problems so far. But now, something is eating corals :frustrat:. Photo attached (I think)


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Not likely that it's eating your corals. They feed on left over foods and waste. What kinds of problems with you corals are you having?
For my self it was hidden Crab syndrome. I flushed them out and then killed ever last pest that ended up in the trap. What I did was set a glass(12oz. ) in the tank near the area thats getting attacked with clam in the glass. Or what ever you like if it is a poor swimmer it wont make it out of the glass. Also do this right before the lights go out :D and in the am check it see what you cough.
I highly doubt the bristle worm is eating your corals. They eat left over organic matter like Dave said. What sort of problems are you experiencing with the corasl and what types of corals?
My opinion depending on the exact species of annelid, It very could be killing your coral, they also will eat fish snails, I would recommend removing it with a stocking with food inside, it will crawl in then get tangled and making capture much easier, it you can not identify the exact species of its taxonomy then remove it to be sure.

Yeah, I did begin to doubt what I knew. But the bad worm is gone, and I've now just got my 'good' bristleworm. Things were getting eaten... but all sorted now. It's funny how you can begin to think maybe the harmless bristle worm IS doing the damage. But no, this guy is good!
I feel much better now. Thanks