should i get or not


Reefing newb
went to the lfs today to see what they had and had these maine blizzard clownfish.
they are a bit pricey at $350 for a pair.


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That price sounds about right for them. If you like them, and they're worth $350 to you then you should get them.
I honestly like the Onyx or Picasso Clownfish. There's nothing wrong with plain ol' perculas either!

If you get them just make sure its something you will enjoy looking at all the time.
I say get some regular clowns, a bottle of white out, and send the other 300 bucks my way:mrgreen:

But honestly, the only person who can decide if something is worth it is you.
Hahaha...I'd never buy a fish just cuz they're unique...they'd have to be unique AND pretty (not that I'd buy a fish that expensive anyway hehehehe)/ But to each their own!
WOW! 4 months into the hobby and you're ready to spend that much money on a pair of fish?? Wish I had your investment advisor!! :bowdown:
I wouldnt pay that much for those clowns but i would love to get theses
The most awsome LIGHTNING CLOWN:bounce: