Looking 2 buy some zoas


Reefing newb
I've got a place sorta near me that sells Frags. They have $10 sales, and am thinking on getting some. Here's what I was thinking on getting. Being as ignorant as I am are these all ok with a lawnmower blenny, blue tang, maroon clown and a red spotted hawkfish. I added how many polyps there are per frag. Is this a good price for these?

The site is Online Frag Source SPS LPS ZOAs Paly Frags



  • #14 X-Men Paly 3 Polyps Frag.jpg
    #14 X-Men Paly 3 Polyps Frag.jpg
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  • #18 Blasto 1 head frag.jpg
    #18 Blasto 1 head frag.jpg
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  • #27 Fire and Ice 8-10 Polyps Frag.jpg
    #27 Fire and Ice 8-10 Polyps Frag.jpg
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  • #29 Deep Water Zoos 8-12 Polyps Frag.jpg
    #29 Deep Water Zoos 8-12 Polyps Frag.jpg
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  • #33 Deep Water Zoos 8-12 Polyps Frag.jpg
    #33 Deep Water Zoos 8-12 Polyps Frag.jpg
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  • #112 Pink Paly 10 Polyps Frag.jpg
    #112 Pink Paly 10 Polyps Frag.jpg
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  • #92 Green lantern Zoas 10 Polyps Frag.jpg
    #92 Green lantern Zoas 10 Polyps Frag.jpg
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  • #69 Neon Green Eye Zoa 12 Polyps Frag.jpg
    #69 Neon Green Eye Zoa 12 Polyps Frag.jpg
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  • #65 Watermelon Zoas 10-12 Polyps Frag.jpg
    #65 Watermelon Zoas 10-12 Polyps Frag.jpg
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  • #38 Boiling Red Zoa 10-15 Polyps Frag.jpg
    #38 Boiling Red Zoa 10-15 Polyps Frag.jpg
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I think $10 for a zoa frag is a great price for those color morphs. The more expensive ones (like blue zoas) commonly sell for $10 a polyp in stores.

They will be fine with your current livestock.
Opps, I forgot at add in there that I wanted to glue them to the rock so my urchin's don't carry them off. I was thinking on using Loctite's Super glue control Gel. Is this done underwater, or can it be done on the table?

You can use it underwater or out of water.

Thanks Biff!! I think I'll do it out. The tank is a little too high off the ground to reach in there with both hands. The frag I bought on Friday had 18 polyps on it, but was $15 so I think saving $50 will pay for the gas there and back...just wish he'd email me back with his address & hours for this week. Grrr...I hate waiting. LOL!
You're gonna love those zoas. They spread relatively quickly and really make a tank look vibrant.

That's what I'm hoping for. I'll post a pic of how boring my tank looks right now. If it wasn't for Kim's blue tang we'd have no colour except the green & red algae. And of course I go down to take some pics and the lights are off and the tang has gone into hiding.


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Hey Grass they look good to me ! My LFS just has boring ones.

Thanks. So does mine. He has a nice frog something or other but wants $125 for it cause he doesn't want to frag everything else off it. I bought brown zoas from him friday just cause I wanted some. My cousin's store is way to expensive to buy anything from. He wants $75 just for a feather duster.
Online Frag Source SPS LPS ZOAs Paly Frags

Looks like a great place for some good stuff. I was ready to order until I saw that they were in Canada. :(
Online Frag Source SPS LPS ZOAs Paly Frags

Looks like a great place for some good stuff. I was ready to order until I saw that they were in Canada. :(

Not to bash the company as I have never bought anything there before, but he doesn't have a very good rep on canreefs.com by people who have had things shipped to them. No one has complained when they pick them up. I won $100 at the casino last week when we went with work for our Christmas party so if they all die I'm really not out anything.