My Xenia is sick?? (Pic)


Reefing newb
My Xenia doesn't like to flow thru the tank as much as she used to. What can be the problem?? I just did a test and found my No3 was a little high so i'm doing some slow water changes to get those down.


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I would check the water pronto. Xenia should still open up even in very fast flow, they'll just blow around like crazy.

How long has the tank been set up?
+1 PRC
If a coral starts acting differently than it has in the past, it often can be because the water quality has changed. Xenia are usually pretty resilient.
Tank has been set up for 9 months. I just completed about a 20% water change, i had a damsel die on me last night!

My tank is sick, I hope this water change helps.

I will do a test tomorrow and see what my levels are at. Hopefully it recovers quickly :(
that happened to mine too, they shrunk up into little nubs until eventualy over the course of about 2 months just competly shrunk away to nothing. all my water was fine. but just to possably help you out, xenia are very prone to damage by ioding, have u overdosed it or possably not have enoughf of it in youre system???