Ditched my power filter have question....


Reefing newb
Does it look like i have enough live rock in my 45 gallon tank to do without the filter. When i started the tank almost 9 months ago i got the right amount per gallon so i am assuming i should be fine but wanted to ask you guys also.
My protein skimmer seems to be doing a great job of skimming and the filter seemed to really just trap debris so when i changed the filters it would spray throughout the tank.


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As long as you've got 1-2 lbs in your tank it'll be fine. Even if you were on the low side for you LR, you'll be much better off then with that filter.
i asked my LFS guy about ditching the filter and he thought i was crazy. He said if i am having issues with the detritus trapped in the filter to just take it off the tank and clean it out regularly.
I have been starting to ask questions i know the answers to just to see what he says.I looked at one of his display tanks and guess what. Couldnt find a power or canister fileter or any type at all lol
Think my next project will be builing on a refuge or adding a sump.
so its been a week since i ditched the filter and havent noticed any issues in water quality , algae or clarity. Pretty impressed and pissed that i wasted money on the filter. Now to get a sump and possibly refugium going!!
I'm confused. Why is no power filter better than a filter?

Because in a SW tank the Live Rock does the biological filtering for you (unlike in a FW tank). And as the waste begins to build up in the filter it can/will ultimately lead to very high nitrates in your tank as the decomposing waste leaches back into your tank.
Yes, but as the waste builds up in the filer, and leaches back in the tank, it should be filtered by the biological filter anyways, so I don't understand how it would be any worse. Seems like a myth to me.
Yes, but as the waste builds up in the filer, and leaches back in the tank, it should be filtered by the biological filter anyways, so I don't understand how it would be any worse. Seems like a myth to me.

Wrong, it leaches nitrates into your tank which the biological filter cannot filter. The only way to get them out is from water changes. Also, if you rocks are doing biological filtration, why would you feel the need to use a power filter?