just brought home an impulse buy

I feel like i almost stole this one at 40 bucks:shock:...thats why i had to have it....

I can't really tell how big he is, and since you have tiny little man hands it's difficult to judge, but he wouldn't cost you $100 at my LFS. Let the boss know that you saved her $60 with your wise decision.:D
This fish has still not eaten anything.....first time i dealt with one that went this long.....talked to my LFS i got it from and they said he just came in the day before i took him.....So now i have no clue when his last meal was
You could always pull the "you can't play your video games until you eat your dinner..."
oh wait that's kids lol...
Maybe he doesn't like that brand algae/seaweed? My tangs WILL NOT touch Rod's Food Algae sheets, in fact neither will my Foxface. But they love Ocean Nurition GREEN MARINE..They also won't eat the Red Ocean Nutrition.

And this is not a knock on Rod's Food. I think it's excellent food. They'll eat other foods from Rod's, just not the algae. I think it has something to do with the red color. They're just not interested in it.
OK,here's my dilemma ,,,,i've been trying all the stuff my tank gets and eats....spinach ,sprouts,zucchini, broccoli,nori,ect.....I figure if he's going to make in my tank he better get use to what they eat and not to something i won't feed.....i have yet to try ,mega algae or mega angel...i'm going to that today some time
Just added a nice algae covered rock from the angler tank ,hopefully he'll start picking at it


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Its not looking good.....He just kinda free floats now....not really even trying to swim,or eat..Just lets the current take him along.No more impulse buys for me.....fish anyway!
Sorry to hear this Matt. I hope he starts eating today for you. It sucks, but it has happened to all of us at some point. Good luck. :(
That does really suck Nemo, I hate to see it happen to any fish let alone a beautiful one like that.
Wouldn't even consider it....
1st off, in his state,he'd be shredded for sure
2nd off,well ,i think thats self explanatory :lol:...for me anyway:wink: