Small Fish


I am a girl
Re: Bifferwine Deco Contest

I just did a water change, and looked for the gobies in the rocks. I found one; the second one is hiding too well for me to find him and I didn't want to keep the rocks out of water for too long looking for him. I changed about 1 gallon of water (~30 percent) and sucked up detritus with a turkey baster. When I put the goby back into the tank, I put him next to the pocillopora I bought today, and he went right to the base of it, where he remains. I hope he feels more comfortable there than in the rocks! And I hope the other little guy makes his way out of the rocks over the weekend and finds his way to the coral as well! I don't have a timer for my lights yet, so they'll be getting a 2-day blackout. Maybe that's what they need to settle in and get comfortable! Good old Francine is still hanging out upside down in her cave and the corals and clam are doing just fine. I'll come in tomorrow with some cyclopeeze and try to feed the goby and Francine.

Here are some pics I took of the panda goby. He is in a small styrofoam cup. And here's his new home -- the pocillopora. Sorry about the quality of the pics; I only have my crappy work camera point and shoot. Monday, I'll bring in my Nikon and take some good pics of everyone.


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Re: Teeny Tiny Fishy

I had read the contest thread earlier. I wanted to see the pics. These guys are awesome! It wouldn't take much for them to become lunch for someone. Thanks for sharing.
Re: Teeny Tiny Fishy

I had read the contest thread earlier. I wanted to see the pics. These guys are awesome! It wouldn't take much for them to become lunch for someone. Thanks for sharing.

That's true. I have a few things in the tank that could make a meal out of them, namely a fire shrimp, some duncans and an elegance coral. The panda gobies supposedly don't move around much, though -- they find a hole in the rock and stay there. So it'd be hard for one of my guys to get ahold of them.