Carpenter's Fairy Wrasse


Reefing newb
I got a beautiful carpenter's fairy wrasse today he is gorgeous! He has bright orange all over his body with very visible striping and amazingly purple fins. He is very shy right now and not eating yet tonight. He had a little to eat earlier today and now is hiding. Is there anything that I can feed him to make sure he eats while he is hiding out let me know. Thanks.

Congrats on the new fish. There's nothing you can really do while he's hiding but, once he gets hungry he'll come out for the food on his own.
Those are awesome looking wrasses.
Just give him some time.He'll eventually come out.And just because he's hiding dont mean he's not eating.Wrasses love to hunt live pods in the rock.
Congrats,they are planktivores so any meaty foods in the water will do.Cyclops and mysis has been a fav for the small wrasses I kept in the past.

Correction-Carpenters are 'flashers'' and not fairies.
Here is a picture of my wrasse! Enjoy!


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