saltwater aquarium build

Thanks that’s what I thought about the angels, I think I will go with just the flame angel if thats the case. Also the tank in 36”x18”x18”
Someone else might give different advise but, IMO the smaller tangs still need at least 4 feet of swimming room, if not 6 feet.
I guess you guys are probably right, it’s too bad because I like the yellow tang, just going to have to keep an eye out for something else
I've got a yellow tang in my 55 he seems happy enough, and it's the same dimensions.
The mandarin you may have to wait on depending on your pod population or if it eats frozen then you'll probably be okay.
Since you have an extra 6 inches in width compared to a 55 you may be okay with a single smaller tang. Aren't Convict Tangs really small?
Yellow Tangs need alot more room than a 36" tank. suggests at least 100g. I would reconsider the selection.
I was thinking that my tank might not have been long enough for a tang, is there any other fish out there with a similar shape as a yellow tang that could live in my tank happily? I saw a nice Bursa Triggerfish at my lfs today, could this fish live in my system?
So I temporally fixed my ro-di with some mighty putty lol. Now I’m making water and wow is it ever slow. So I wanted to give the tank a little clean first I just use regular vinegar right?


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So the might puddy didn’t hold up and it sprung a leak, but I just made a new piece of house and bypassed the auto shut off valve altogether. I’m running at 40pis and making about a gallon an hour, only about 55 more hours to go. I think I am going to have to get a booster pump from filter direct.
So I have been making water for like the last 10 hours and I have about 12 gallons in the tank so far.


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oh, I missed that post from before, optimal pressure for the filter direct RODI is 40-80psi, the higher the quicker it should process. Also, what's the temp of your water, the warmer your water the slower it will make it too
The water pressure is holding at 40 and I’m not sure about the temp but it is cold, it seems to have gotten faster since I bypassed the auto shut off. For now it will have to do, but I can see a booster pump in the future.
Got some stuff come in the mail, everything except my RKL which is on back ordered. Also finally got my tank full, No Leaks! Going to be a fun night testing all my equipment and mixing the salt water, I think I will need about 25 cups of salt this sound right?


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