Mandarin feeder idea


Reefing newb
As some of you may know I have a mandarin that will happily eat frozen food, it just can't compete quick enough with the other fish to get a decent feed.

I was thinking that it would be possible using a clear plastic container to construct an area that the food could be inserted into via a small hole on the top and the mandarin could enter from the side.

Hopefully if I can entice the mandarin in it can eat without competition as the other fish don't seem to explore the gaps in the rocks too much.

Anyone tried something like this before? I'll try tonight and post pictures if it works.
Thanks for posting that. It is essentially what I was thinking, just done in another (possibly better) way.

Fingers crossed it works just as well for me.
I'm feeling pretty happy now that this has been done before with success. I like the last one posted but may start with the glass jar or a modified plastic container.
Got the jar with brine shrimp in the tank at the moment. After 5 mins the clowns and blenny have stopped trying to swim through the glass.

Unfortunately, the mandarin is having issues working out it needs to go in the hole despite cruising around the entrance.

Should be interesting to watch. Pics up shortly.
Hmmmm, few hours down and the crabs have had a good feed, so the small jar hasn't been a success. Time for a rethink tomorrow night.
Here is a photo of the first go. I'm thinking tonight I will put it up under the rocks more.



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Sammy, you probably have to wait more than 15 hours to see results. It could take a few days or even a week till your mandarin gets comfortable enough to go in it. Give it some more time and be patient
You sound like my wife. :razz:

I'll give it time. Is leaving food in the feeder for extended periods likely to cause an issue for me?
Haha thanks, a little bit of food in a tank your size shouldn't be an issue, something will eat it eventually
So far it looks like the crabs and worms are having a feast after the lights go off. Definitely no sign yet of the mandarin getting in while the lights are on.

The jar has been empty each morning, but I suspect at this point that the CUC are having a bit of a party. The clowns and blenny have had a go at the glass but not worked out how to get in. The mandarin just seems to be avoiding it.

I'll give it a few more nights and reassess.
Well, nothing is eating whats in the jar anymore. The Mandarin is still eating the frozen food that settles on the floor of the tank, but I don't think its getting enough food.

Really don't know what to do now. It eats the food if its shoved in its face, it just wont use the jar.
what you can do is try putting the mandarin in the jar with the food to start with, and possibly this will make him more comfortable with it?