Rwynn's 40g Reef Tank

Well, not much new stuff lately, sorta been in maintenance mode. I did add about 30lbs of LR I made. Seems to be coloring up nicely. I'll get pics when the water isn't messed up.

We painted the living room so I had to drain the tank into a couple plastic bins and move the tank out to paint before moving it back. Kicked up a lot of junk and created a mini cycle. 75% WC FTL. Everything made the transfer back and forth fine so I guess it went well.

I did break the HOB filter pump bracket so I need to figure out a way to re attach it. I needed to clean it out anyway I guess. Biff's Chaeto has taken over and was spilling out into the tank so it needs a trim anyway.


More good news, my wife is taking an interest, she is wanting me to get more coral and a GBTA for our clown(and she even knows the clown may ignore it lol) AND the Petco has a Coral Beauty that is fantastic looking, gotta wait till pay day tho.
It is, it has overflowed the rather large HOB and spilled over into a chaeto waterfall into the DT, I cut it back to the edge of the HOB overflow and it made a piece bigger than what you originally sent, i hid that that in the rocks. The Hob has probably 4x that.

It will be a bit on pics because with the hob fuge broken I've got to put some ugly in take filters in there for water movement. I really need to break down and get a sump/fuge system with another k3 in the DT.
Ok, 1.5 months later is a photo.

I don't know if any of you noticed but my activity has slacked off a bit lately. Had some financial stuff keeping me from doing much with the tank.
Good news is I am going to be making some nice changes in the near future.

As you can see from older pics I have added a bit of rock to the tank. I am going to add another 50lbs or so here shortly.

In a few weeks I am going to tackle all of the outstanding issues with my tank,

I have a large amount of hair algae on the back wall, sides, and that one rock(I don't know why it is just that one) and what I think are diatoms that cover the glass/rocks daily(looks like a brown/green dust when i clean the glass off).

I am going to tackle it in the following ways.

1. Protein Skimmer
2. Timed photo period
3. CUC
3. Weekly 10g WC(25%)
4. Monitoring of parameters.

I currently do not test for anything, and haven't in months. My photo period is when I remember to turn the lights on or off, my WC have been monthly.(All due to afore mentioned financial thing).

I need a good recommendation for a HOB skimmer, a tried and true photo period(I was thinking starting at noon, 3hr actinic, 4hr actinic+MH, 3hr actinic but totally open on that, and a list of parameters to be watching, and good CuC for a 40g.

Thanks for help, as always.


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PRC, way to catch on to the "financial issue" haha.

I've got 3 financial issues. LOL. They only get more expensive as time goes by. I just dropped $1000 on them today. $200 for each one for new school clothes, and 2 gymnastics classes...I didn't even leave the house.:D
This actually brings up another topic I want to revisit, should I just go ahead and setup a sump and run that way or will the HoB be ok? The tank is in the living room so I worry about noise pollution with the HoB option.

Anyone with experience in that regard?
Also, while I am doing all of these changes I have considered going with a new tank as well, it has to fit the same width(3ft) but I have a tall tank now, and thought maybe increasing the depth front to back a foot or two.

This would effectively increase my volume to approx 80g, Right now I have a single 150w MH sitting over the tank with no noticeable issues with light, what about with the bigger tank? Would I need a wider array of lighting? Or turn the lights to run perpendicular to the front of the tank( 2 150w sitting side by side).
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I think either system is going to be a little loud...But you know everyone is going to say install the sump. If you install the sump, you could also install an algae scrubber to keep your algae and nitrates under control, but it will add to the noise as well. But a very cost effective solution to your issues.
I have no noticeable noise from my sump, and mine isn't under a stand or anything. Plus you have that always great advantage of adding extra water volume to your tank
I have no noticeable noise from my sump, and mine isn't under a stand or anything. Plus you have that always great advantage of adding extra water volume to your tank

You are correct, see now I am all thinking upgrade haha, 80g DT, 30g sump.....I could get that sea otter I wanted. :mrgreen::mrgreen: