Globe colour questions


Reefing newb
I've had a look through here and done a search, but I'm still trying to get a handle on whats going on with my lighting, or at least what my lighting needs are.

I'm due for new globes for my lights (takes two power compacts) and I am wondering what to get. Currently the two globes running in my 24gallon tank are,
- 55Watt 10,000K/450nm,
- 55Watt 10,000K/420nm.

Looking at other tanks in the LFS and in photos here, I don't feel the colours in my corals are coming out as well as they should be.

Any suggestions on what bulbs to get for my tank? My corals are all growing well, so I think I have enough light, just not sure on the colour range.


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Thanks, I'll have a read of the other thread.

Getting the globes here in australia isn't an issue, I'm just trying to work out what the best combination of globes will be. I'll check out that thread and go from there.