how many snail's.......


Reefing newb
how many snail's i need for a 75 gl tank??
and what snail's are good for a reeef tank

thank you


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There are a ton of different snails in the pet trade and each if them do something different. You usually look at snails that go into your sandbed of on your live rock and your glass. My best advice is to add in small groups so that you don't end up buying too many and having them starve. I would recomend starting in groups of maybe five, that way you wont be wasting your money xD. And do keep in mind that hermit crabs will eat snails to take their shells, so try to keep that in mind when you're purchasing a new group of inverts.
+1 Melanie
Get you CUC a few at time.You want just enough to keep up with the algae and detritus.That way they dont starve.
Go with a mix of cerith snails,maybe a turbo snail or 2,asteria snails,Nass. snails.
I had 2 golfball sized turbo's for a couple years,they did a good job..then i got a clown trigger,no more snails,i just have to use the mag float more now:lol: