My Ich Cure experience in my reef !!! Worked

crazy cajun

Reefing newb
Ok before everyone bashes me and says you should never do that well it worked and i lost nothing to it but the ICH, i have a yellow tang, coral beauty, clown, yellow tail damsel , a full clean up crew of various snails, 2 emerald crabs, coral banded shrimp, coral torch , moon brain, flower pot coral, chili coral and 120lbs of live rock. I caught ich and had a hard time trying to catch my fish to remove them without recking my whole tank, i tried 2 different so called organic cures that did not work, then after talking to a good friend of mine that had reefs for years and kept maintenance on several for people in the past told me what to do and told me if i kill anything he would pay to replace anything that died and from knowing him for almost 20 years i knew he was good for it so i went ahead and gave it a try. We used "Quick Cure" took carbon off line and turned off skimmer used 1 drop per gallon once a day at the same time everyday for 7 days, my moon brain did turn from bright green to an tan/brown color but was still alive and the torch and flower pot would retract back for a few hours after medication but would come back out after some time. after the 7 day medication all ick was gone and i have not lost anything in my tank including all the little creatures that come out of my rock at night and the moon brain has been slowly but surely getting its bright green back, and everything is thriving again,its been about 1 month since the treatment. Well thats my Ich Experience i had if it can help someone else great but as you know its at your own risk, im very happy with the outcome and seems i have lost not 1 thing in my tank except the horrible Ich. and lets hope it stays that way.:Cheers:


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well its been 1 month and all is good if i see anything weird in the future from it ill be sure to post it here. so far so good !!! it even says not reef safe and dont use on live rock but hey it worked at 1/2 doses!!! 1 drop per gallon
The problem is that the Ich could have gone away on its own. It could still be in there but not visible. The 7 days isn't consistent with what the experts recomend to break the life cycle. And you say that it did put the hurt on your corals but they lived. Kinda like a cancer chemotherapy treatment. Sounds risky. I'm glad things are looking up for you.
It's says on the label do not use on live rock or invertebrates. That is formalin, which is commonly called a "reef safe" ich medication, although formalin has been known to wipe out reef tanks. If all your stuff is doing well, then you got lucky. The thing is, the formalin does not actually kill the ich. It kills certain stages of the ich parasite, but other stages are immune to it. It gives your fish relief, but the ich is still there, and the ich parasite will continue to reproduce in your tank. I would be willing to bet that you will get ich again somewhere down the line. Formalin-based medications are a temporary fix, not a permanent cure for ich and are very risky to use in tanks that have inverts and live rock.
1+ Biff

Formalin is supposed to be use only in a QT tank and never in a main display tank. If you added it to your main tank and did not kill your inverts then I would say you did not fully kill off your ich either. I have used Kick-ich and after a few days the ich always went away. Kick-ich and other reef-safe make it difficult for ich parasites to reproduce and combined with the fish's natural defenses ti may just work but copper in a QT tank is the only sure way to kill parasites.
how does the bottle of kick-ich...look like...i want to make sure i get the right one the one that my LFS has is like $50..and i think the liquid is green..i think..i want to have it if i need i scare to use copper..that would be my last resort.does it look like this.unnamed.jpg
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