PVC Rock Stand


Reefing newb
I am looking for ideas/previous builds for a PVC live rock stand. Not necessarily "structural" ideas, but rather general ideas.

A few questions i have.

1. If putting the stand in first (adding sand after) Should i use "legs" under the stand to keep it propped up?
2. After reading enough of these builds, drilling holes seems to be mandatory to avoid stagnant water spots. A few questions regarding the holes
a. Do I drill holes throughout the entire frame? Even to the areas that will be covered by sand?
b. Should I use endcaps?
c. How big should the holes be? I have heard horror stories about worms up to 6’ in length living in people’s PVC stands.
d. Should I use a powerhead on one end of the stand to keep water flowing through, or the holes are enough?
e. I have heard people using the stand as their main return. This sounds like a good idea to me in theory but would rather hear from some professionals first. Would I forgo the smaller holes and just keep larger ones spaced out more? (maybe a large hole ever 1’ of pvc vs smaller holes ever few inches)
3. Anybody know of a good paint to use inside aquariums? It would be much easier to hide black pvc vs white J
4. I have heard that cement/glue is required from some people and others it is not. In your opinion should I be cementing down the PVC or just pushing it in so it won’t move?
5. I have heard people using “great stuff” spray foam to cover the empty spots on the PVC frame (what you can’t cover with rock). Has anybody used this in their aquarium before? I am worried it would “rot” after a while, or even worse, cause toxic issues in my tank.
6. Is there a “right type” of zip tie to purchase? How many years/months will the plastic last on the zip ties before they give out? It would be a most horrible thing to come home one day to find that my zip ties rotted and the entire shelf fell, breaking the tank glass. Worst case ceneraio I know, but I always take the worst possible scenario into consideration… (can you say BP oil spill anyone….)
why do all,the gluing and pvc pipe, just put some eggcrate on the bottom and make sure you push and rotate the rocks back and forth until they sit solid on the eggcrate thats what i did and worked great and the critters wont dig under the eggcrate causing rock slides. just my :twocents: good luck


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I am looking for ideas/previous builds for a PVC live rock stand. Not necessarily "structural" ideas, but rather general ideas.

A few questions i have.

1. If putting the stand in first (adding sand after) Should i use "legs" under the stand to keep it propped up?
2. After reading enough of these builds, drilling holes seems to be mandatory to avoid stagnant water spots. A few questions regarding the holes
a. Do I drill holes throughout the entire frame? Even to the areas that will be covered by sand?
b. Should I use endcaps?
c. How big should the holes be? I have heard horror stories about worms up to 6’ in length living in people’s PVC stands.
d. Should I use a powerhead on one end of the stand to keep water flowing through, or the holes are enough?
e. I have heard people using the stand as their main return. This sounds like a good idea to me in theory but would rather hear from some professionals first. Would I forgo the smaller holes and just keep larger ones spaced out more? (maybe a large hole ever 1’ of pvc vs smaller holes ever few inches)
3. Anybody know of a good paint to use inside aquariums? It would be much easier to hide black pvc vs white J
4. I have heard that cement/glue is required from some people and others it is not. In your opinion should I be cementing down the PVC or just pushing it in so it won’t move?
5. I have heard people using “great stuff” spray foam to cover the empty spots on the PVC frame (what you can’t cover with rock). Has anybody used this in their aquarium before? I am worried it would “rot” after a while, or even worse, cause toxic issues in my tank.
6. Is there a “right type” of zip tie to purchase? How many years/months will the plastic last on the zip ties before they give out? It would be a most horrible thing to come home one day to find that my zip ties rotted and the entire shelf fell, breaking the tank glass. Worst case ceneraio I know, but I always take the worst possible scenario into consideration… (can you say BP oil spill anyone….)

I have my rock propped up on PVC and I think its a great idea. The rock looks higher and flow under the rock will prevent detritus traps. My 'trates are always at zero.

1 Rest the PVC on the bottom not on the sand. I did not use legs.
2 No end caps, lots of holes! and I have a Koralia 1 pushin water threw a hole in the PVC.
3 Paint? Don't know.
4 I did not glue any of it. Just fit it together
5 Did not use foam.
6 Did not use zip ties.

I have some lengths of PVC laying sideways. I have other 5 inch longl, 6 inch wide sections sitting vertical. I rest pieces of rock on the vertical sections. MAKE SURE IT IS ALL STURDY! The PVC framework also has the advantage of creating more hiding places for fish.
If you want your rock higher, just add some more rock to get the structure higher. You should place the rock on the bottom glass and then add the sand, that way there is no detritus that builds up under the rock in the sand and also your rock will be more stable.

You can build a rock platform but it really isn't necessary.
not necessary i know, but i want to do it.

i can do so much more with 200lbs of live rock on a stand then just piling it up like the majority of tanks i see out there.

I want caves, overhangs, bridges, and all that crazy stuff you see in the ocean-which is not possible to safely do without some modification aka rock stand.

Thanks for the tips Sen.
I understand your goal. I hope you'll post pictures when you get it constructed. I sounds very interesting and cool. Now you've got me thinking my rock must just look like a pile of ____ ! :lol:
omg no no no, that was not my intention.
i have no problems with rock piled up, but i can't just see any "SAFE" way to make ledges, overhangs, bridges, and caves without some other type of support.

Just got back from home depot (a lunch break well spent) and got some of the eggcrate and pvc. After i finish my refugium i will start on the stand. I will be building a complete rock back wall and a few pvc stands for in the tank island look)
not necessary i know, but i want to do it.

i can do so much more with 200lbs of live rock on a stand then just piling it up like the majority of tanks i see out there.

I want caves, overhangs, bridges, and all that crazy stuff you see in the ocean-which is not possible to safely do without some modification aka rock stand.

Thanks for the tips Sen.

Fish have a great need for hiding places and caves. This is why they create artificial reefs in the oceans.

Also, its easy to say 'just put more rock in' but this can be a very costly solution.
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Just for any future DIY's on a PVC rock stand, i read somewhere it is beneficial to sand the PVC down first creating a rough surface to encourage coraline growth :)