Look at my tank


Reefing newb
65 gallons tank
rate it plz !


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Gotta agree with everyone on the tang,not to mention the angel. They would just be happier in a larger system:twocents:,but great looking fish
i already owned a tang in a 30 gal without problems !

To be honest this does not mean anything but that you were lucky. I`ve known several and was even on another site today that a person was told his tank was too small for a tang and today he had a thread titled "What killed all my fish". You might not be so lucky the next time. JMO.
You got a good looking tank.But your also headed for trouble down the road.
While that Yellow Tang is small,it'll eventually need at least a 6ft tank,as will the angel.I'm also surprised that both those angels are getting along.
Welcome to the site.
I think I hear sirens...Is that sirens? Yep, that's definitely sirens..They're coming.

Do you keep tangs in tanks that are too small for them? Do they have less than 4 feet of swimming space? Do you also keep your pet dog locked up in a closet for its entire life? If so, then you have alerted... THE TANG POLICE!






[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AepyGm9Me6w]YouTube - Hawaii Five 0 Intro[/ame]
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Aight well thx for the advice, i realise your not joking with tang and small tanks ! but you know its one of the coolest fish to have ... if there was other fish that goes in a smaller tanks and that look good as a tang i would get it for sure
Everything I see looks healthy including the fish and corals.Sorry,I do agree the angel and tang are not suitable for that size tank.
Listen to the Maestro..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSAo2YELOZA&feature=related]YouTube - Sting - IF YOU LOVE SOMEBODY SET THEM FREE[/ame]
why do you have filter stuff on your powerheads? It also looks like you are running a cannister type filter and you shouldn't have to put filter stuff on the intake and outlet either. No one here is trying to criticize you, but they are trying to help you so don't take all the comments negatively. Down the road you will have problems with a cannister filter and everyone would probably agree that you would be better off running a sump style filter. If i am wrong sorry I am only going by the intake and return that you have not sure if that is an overflow or a hob skimmer on the right?
why do you have filter stuff on your powerheads? It also looks like you are running a cannister type filter and you shouldn't have to put filter stuff on the intake and outlet either. No one here is trying to criticize you, but they are trying to help you so don't take all the comments negatively. Down the road you will have problems with a cannister filter and everyone would probably agree that you would be better off running a sump style filter. If i am wrong sorry I am only going by the intake and return that you have not sure if that is an overflow or a hob skimmer on the right?

I think it's so stuff doesn't get sucked into the intakes. Not a pretty solution, but it works. Of course, that wouldn't be a problem if, like you said, he was using a skimmer instead, for example.
why do you have filter stuff on your powerheads? It also looks like you are running a cannister type filter and you shouldn't have to put filter stuff on the intake and outlet either. No one here is trying to criticize you, but they are trying to help you so don't take all the comments negatively. Down the road you will have problems with a cannister filter and everyone would probably agree that you would be better off running a sump style filter. If i am wrong sorry I am only going by the intake and return that you have not sure if that is an overflow or a hob skimmer on the right?

it's for the anemona ! i already had 1 who get stuck in the powerhead and died ... all fish died 2 days after !
You don't need to have an anemone. They are pretty dangerous animals to keep for the reason you found out. They just don't do well in reef tanks.