HELP - Clam Dieing???


Reefing newb
My clam hasn't been it's self lately and now I think it's dieing :grumble: I've had the clam for about 4 yrs now and it has survived my tank crash a couple of years ago and always looked healthy. I've noticed that the mantles haven't been out as much the last couple of days and now it's shooting white stuff all over the place :shock: Any idea what the white stuff is and if it's dieing????
I know my squamosa lasted about 4 yrs and then it closed up for a couple weeks. When I asked about it Larry (cccAPT) told me to take it out and smell it. He said you would be able to tell if it was dead in a second. He was wrong. I knew in half a second. I barfed all over the place. If it closes up and stays that way just take a wiff and you`ll know soon. Hopefully he will make a comeback.
I just got a picture of it shooting out the white stuff!


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Seems to me it might be spawning. I saw a piece on discovery channel about coral reefs and they showed how clams reproduce and spawn. It look exactly like that picture.
After looking at the video's on youtube, it just might be spawning. I just finshed my water change a little over an hour ago. Does this mean I should do another water change? Will the spawning produce anything? This clam has spewed his load over a dozen times, that I've seen. I'm impressed :bowdown:
I dont think the spawning will produce anything unless you have a clam of the oposite sex spawning at the same time. It will be excelent food for your other corals and filter feeders though.
Yeah I was about to say the spewing is just well.... we'll say reproduction, but everyone beat me to it.

Think of it as plenty of protein for your corals :)
COOL - Free coral food. I was just hoping I wouldn't have to do another water change right away. As well as all my corals have been doing, more protein is even better.