Vanderbilt Chromis


Stop Quoting Me!
I went up to the LFS to add to my CUC and picked up 10 nass snails. I took my daughter with me and she wanted to get a fish, she originally picked out a royal gramma months ago, it dissapeared into the rock as soon as I put it in the tank, never to be seen again. I brought her home a pink anthias, but she always brings up that the boys got to pick there fish but she didn' she sees a Vanderbilt Chromis and wants it...I jump on my phone look it up on the web. www. says peaceful, reefsafe, underrated and not common. So we bought it....

The damn thing is terorizing everything in my tank!!!!!...I'm sitting here hoping that my Foxface will stick a harpoon in it and kill it....It's a tiny ass fish, can't be more than an inch's chasing fish that are 7 inches long around the tank...!!! And I'm not talking about wandering around by them, it's chasing them as fast as they can swim.

The only fish it hasn't chased are the clowns. This thing is agressive!

I checked to make sure that it is actually a Vanderbilt Chromis...and it is..

I'm never letting my daughter pick another fish... This thing is going back tomorrow. I have no idea how I'm gonna get it out of the tank, but it's outta here.
It's a type of damsel, so aggression is to be expected.

But...why on earth would you buy that fish? It's UGLY!

Because my daughter has me wrapped around her finger...Damn, Damn,Damn, I've got that middle kid guilt....
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damn, i played with the idea of getting them for my tank, mainly because i thought they looked nice and the fact they arent a normal run-of-the-mill fish. funny, because every fish distributor i checked online labeled them as very peaceful, pretty much a rare version of the standard green chromis. its nice to get some first hand experience of them.

good luck with the fishing it out.

also, when i was young and helped my dad pick out fish, the way he'd limit me to what i was able to choose was by saying i had to have done complete research about any fish i wanted to buy before he would add it to his tank. this prevented him from buying the moorish idol i desperately tried to get him to buy when i was a kid
I got his ass outta there!! I decided to try a different way rather than the trout fly. I went up to my local hardware and bought a 24x20 piece of acrylic. coaxed him over to 1/3 of the tank, slid the acrylic down so he couldn't go anywhere, moved a couple pieces of rock so he couldn't hide and netted him out..Worked nicely and didn't freak all the other fish out. I've got him sitting in the QT until I take him to the store tomorrow.


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I got his ass outta there!! I decided to try a different way rather than the trout fly. I went up to my local hardware and bought a 24x20 piece of acrylic. coaxed him over to 1/3 of the tank, slid the acrylic down so he couldn't go anywhere, moved a couple pieces of rock so he couldn't hide and netted him out..Worked nicely and didn't freak all the other fish out. I've got him sitting in the QT until I take him to the store tomorrow.

Haha! Yeah that's how I got my yellow tang out -- chased him to one side of the tank and blocked his path with a barrier. I agree w/ aftershock's dad -- give limits ;) My daughter points to all these fish, but I will tell her "no" and why not -- it would have even been ok if your excuse was "because daddy doesn't know enough about this if you want it, we will have to go home, research, and see if we really want it". Your daughter, who would want a fish nownownow, would be more apt to pick something else :) Sucks though that the sites you went to said "peaceful". But I still wouldn't have jumped to buying it that fast. I also give my daughter a list of fish to pick from before we go to the lfs.
I agree. But I researched it standing right there in the store....Every link I went to said PEACEFUL..When I went to the LFS today and told them, they acted like I was lying to them. They're getting it back tomorrow...I was just shocked that this thing was such a terror..It's barely an inch long.
I agree. But I researched it standing right there in the store....Every link I went to said PEACEFUL..When I went to the LFS today and told them, they acted like I was lying to them. They're getting it back tomorrow...I was just shocked that this thing was such a terror..It's barely an inch long.

:nono: Research did not include livingreefs! :nono: LOL

Awe PRC you'll catch it. If not, the information I read says they live 8-15 years in a healthy aquarium. :shock:
Besides one fish would be just right for your 180. :lol:
Awe PRC you'll catch it. If not, the information I read says they live 8-15 years in a healthy aquarium. :shock:
Besides one fish would be just right for your 180. :lol:

I got him out.. I actually have a crew of people headed to AZ right now to drop him into your tank in the middle of the night.:D
I don't know about that. He might be an illegal alien. Does he have his papers? Otherwise he won't be allowed into the State. :shock: AZ State Bill 170.

I once had to take out all of my rocks to catch one of those black and white striped damsels. Chromi's are the only ones that are worth a damn.