Cherub Angel


Reefing newb
We walked out of the house today set on buying a fish since we've been adding nothing but corals for months. Adding to one clown and a foxface is this little guy! He's only about an inch and a half long but has a nice bright color. And a random shot of a hermit in the sun corals.


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He looks nice! Good luck with him, I hope he behaves around your corals.

Me too. >_<

Looking them up at the LFS, I gather they're pretty reef safe as far as angelfish go. And I know this will come back to bite me but he's an inch long, how much can he really eat?

The size got me. So wittle...
he will grow quite a bit! haha. so thats when you will have problems, but its more about them just irritating corals. Chances are he wont touch them if he has enough food :)

Graet looking fish though, looks like its out of a cartoon
he will grow quite a bit! haha. so thats when you will have problems, but its more about them just irritating corals. Chances are he wont touch them if he has enough food :)

Graet looking fish though, looks like its out of a cartoon

Haha he won't grow much! Smallest of the pygmy angels. Largest ever recorded was 3.1 inches.
You've got a better chance with that little guy than any of the other dwarf angels.
Nice addition:D