Orange Shoulder Tang


Stop Quoting Me!
So I picked up the Orange Shoulder Tang today... Sorry no pictures tonight..just got home from fireworks with the kids and my lights are out. Will post tomorrow. I also picked up the toadstool, and an arrow crab. Everybody seems fine. I had to acclimate him, drop him in the tank and hit the road, so the whole time I was gone I was thinking about how the other Tangs would be plotting his demise, but so far so good....I gotta say, he's ugly. He looks better without the halides on, he's a juvie and he's just starting to get his adult color, under the lunars you can see his adult color, but with the MH's on, he's just a dirty yellow..

My wife saw him and said."Why does he look dirty?"
Did you tell her "Honey, I thought you liked dirty boys"?

Seriously, congrats on the new tang.

I'm italian, when I don't shave I look mexican...when I go 4 or 5 days without shaving she starts calling me the gardener...or Hector the poolboy when she's interested.:D
I'm italian, when I don't shave I look mexican...when I go 4 or 5 days without shaving she starts calling me the gardener...or Hector the poolboy when she's interested.:D

LMAO, gonna have to get me a pool cleaning gig in your neighborhood :mrgreen:
Did it ever cross your mind that everyone intentionally voted for the uglier fish in your poll, just so we could say, "Damn that's an ugly ass fish!" and laugh at you when you really brought it home?? :lol:
Did it ever cross your mind that everyone intentionally voted for the uglier fish in your poll, just so we could say, "Damn that's an ugly ass fish!" and laugh at you when you really brought it home?? :lol:

It did..And all I got to say to that is I'm a man of my word...and ugly things need lovin too...Not everything can be a bottlenose dolphin. :D
Here are the pics as promised. There's nothing wrong with my corals...I just turned the lights on, so they're not opened up yet. In the back of the first pic you can see the purple toadstool.


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New Tang is making fast friends with my cleaner shrimp...He must've heard my wife call him dirty yesterday.

The arrow crab is pretty cool. They don't move very fast but he stays out front of the tank, if a fish swims too slow and too close to him, he'll whack the fish in the head with one of his long legs. Funny.


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Nice pic up..thats the one i voted for...:Cheers:.Did they have any adults or did you want a juvi?Wonder how long it will take to change..I had a mimic/chocolate and it took about 3 yrs ...
I got him from a guy on Craigslist who was breaking down his tank. I've never bought an adult fish before. I buy them small and like to watch them grow.
I the same boat as you prc I like to watch min grow up to. Unless it is more vibrant in color as a adult. Like the emperitor angel.:bowdown: Now that fish I would buy as an adult:bowdown:
I the same boat as you prc I like to watch min grow up to. Unless it is more vibrant in color as a adult. Like the emperitor angel.:bowdown: Now that fish I would buy as an adult:bowdown:

I think you get the best of both worlds with the Emperitor Angel...I think they're sweet young and as adults...It's like getting 2 completely different fish for the price of 1!!
All my fish are juvis too,but if they had an adult Koran i would have scooped it up...All i know is my clown trigg is the fastest growing fish i've ever owned...just curious what the rate was on an orange shoulder,if anyone has had one or not...sometimes it feels like it will take forever for them to change,kinda like my juvi koran now:grumble:
I think you get the best of both worlds with the Emperitor Angel...I think they're sweet young and as adults...It's like getting 2 completely different fish for the price of 1!!
I have seen some however,who are stuck in that wierd fading morph stage for years...they are said to be one of the more difficult to make the full change in captivaty,but beautiful for sure.
Looking at has large jvies listed at 3-4"..and small adults listed at 4-5" my fish is about 4" so he must be right at the adolescent stage... but since I don't know how long their life expectancy I have no idea how long it will take. When the Halides are off, I can see his adult colors...but when the halides are on, he's just greenish yellow.
This dude must've been starving this fish.....He is one hungry fishy. All the other fish are lookin' at him like "Dude, push the fins away from the buffet table."
Some more pics..Tang goin' to town on an algae sheet. And the Purple Leather. I can't get the thing to stand up straight.


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