Sump Inlet Water column design !!! Super Quiet

crazy cajun

Reefing newb
i was getting tired of the noise in my sump inlet and a little salt creep so i built a water column for my inlet it works great. i had a filter sock on my inlet but was tired of having to clean it so often
which is why we build sumps right to lower our maintenance.
2'-0"lg - 3" pvc pipe
1 - 1"tee
2"lg - 1"pvc pipe
1 - 3"drain cover
pvc glue
took me all of about 20 minutes to make
i measured the distance from the bottom of my sump to the center of the inlet and drilled a hole in the 3" pipe to fit the tee through tightly from the inside(tip use a length of pvc pipe slipped onto the tee to line ut up with the hole from the inside the 3"pipe since you cant get your hand in thier, then remove after you get it in place. glued the tee in place with pvc glue then glued the 2" lg piece of pvc that will slide into bulkhead fitting into the tee then drilled several holes close to the bottom of the 3"pvc pipe to allow water to flow out of the bottom then cut a piece of sponge to insert into the top of the draincover for extra quiet, and slide the drain cover on the end of the pvc pipe , let glue dry for a few hours and place in sump and whalla its super quiet, slight micro bubble from bottom with no bubble popping and no salt creep is working awesome. sump is running in last 2 pics i just did not turn skimmer back on yet so you can see how smooth it is running with minimal micro bubbles


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