10g sump idea


Reefing newb
oka so i got a hold of a 10g tank i want to make a sump out of it with a refugium is this a good plan please share your ideas and pics or diagrams will help....thank you for the help 0618002313.jpg
10 gallon is a little small for an effective sump a 20 gallon long would work alot better as far as water volume and space.
a ten is the largest i can fit on my stand and i have the tank just laying around so i figured 10 gallons more is beter than 0 gallons more.. besides it being only 10 gallons is the setup and divsion good? or should i alter that?its about 8" for the refugium and about 11.5" for the other part
if your gonna go with the 10 gallon id put the dividers in the middle that way you have roughly 5 gallon fuge and roughly 5 gallons for your return.
if you put all your equipement together with the return you will have plenty of micro bubbles in yout display tank you need to somehow seperate the return
yes something like that would work if you put the skimmer in the far corner with the drain line and put another baffle in it you can have a refugium in the middle here is the one i did its a 30 gal but same principle on a smaller scale for your 10 gal, hope this helps good luck


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