New Tank


Reefing newb
Hey guys! Just recently got a new 28 gallon fish tank. Transferred over some rock from an old tank and from my mom's tank. Have a couple crabs, snails, shrimp, ect. Only one fish so far, a Black and White Oscellaris Clown. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to what I should put in here?


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I see you have a 38 gallon, or is it a 28 gallon? But how about a Tang! (okay just kidding) If you're not planning on having corals how about a Dwarf Angelfish?
Thanks for all the suggestions and the warm welcomes! The tank is a 28 gallon tank and the description for the lighting is "The revolutionary CF-QUAD lamp boasts 105 watts of high-intensity daytime light output with the 10K/7,100K Combo lamp. It utilizes a small compact size while delivering mega-lumens to your corals. The quick-disconnect harness always makes changing the lamp quick and easy" I definitely plan on having corals so the dwarf angel is out unfortunately.
I seem to be having a little bit of trouble keeping my new tanks' temp down. It has been running around 78 degrees which i know is warm however it is summer and I am too poor to afford an air conditioner....I have been freezing water bottles and putting them in there alternately, and since I don't really have anything in the tank yet except for some inverts and one fish, is there any way to keep the temp down without relying on the water bottles? Does anyone have any better ideas?
I'm not trying to be a smart ass...Your heater is set for your correct temp right? So what you're saying is because it's warm outside, the water just keeps getting warmer even with the heater turned off. Correct?

If so, like the last post, put a small portable fan at the top of the water, that should help.
Yea i have the heater set to 72 since its been so warm, however my apt is so warm that it is heating up the tank water, but i think im definitely going to try the clip fan thanks for the suggestion
78 degrees aint really that warm for a saltwater tank.:D Might be down right chilly for some of the critters.
Dont worry about the temp unless it starts hiting 82-83 degrees.BUT,try to keep the temp stable as much as possible,no more than 2 or 3 degrees either way.Big swings are worse than just high temps.
To keep it from goiung to high,just get a small clip on fan and let it blow between the water and your lights.That can lower the temp by as much as 10 degrees.