Very good Week.


Stop Quoting Me!
So I had a nice week at work...I scored a couple of big projects, blah blah blah.

I got my wife something nice for Mother's Day. Took the family out to a nice dinner for Mother's Day..gonna go to my Mom's tomorrow for biscuits and gravy, going to in-laws for bbq after that. BUT here's where it gets good.

My 90g tank has started to leak around the top edges, it's not too big of a deal but it's driving me crazy thinking about it. So I figure, as most of us do, if I'm gonna pull it, I might as well make it bigger. I look on CL yesterday, here's what I find posted. So I call and leave a message.

180g tank perfect condition.
complete stand, canopy and lighting system.
Fluval FX-5


I'm at the LFS this mornign and I'm standing at the $10 frag tank, I'm picking out what I want, and the guy jsut throws an extra in for me?! It was great!! Next thing you know, the CL guy calls, tells me his phone has been ringing off the hook, but if I want it, it's mine because I was the first caller. I said "unless it's got a bullet hole in I'll take it", so I buy 5 nice frags (pics tomorrow lights are out already), put a deposit on the sweetest powder brown tang I've ever seen, (I'm gonna leave him there until the tank is up)

The CL guy says he had the LFS set the tank up 2 yrs ago, and they said the lights could work for salt of fresh...I doubt that I'll be able to use'em but if I walk into a 72" MH light on Monday I might just piss my pants in his living room. LOL.

I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself. Pictures Monday Eve. Build thread will start the following week.

Either I'm easily pleased, or it's been a good week.
Man grats nice find. I been scouring CL and havent even come close to that kind of deal.

On another note..I'm spossed to get my wife something for mothers day? I thought that was the kids job now.
Man grats nice find. I been scouring CL and havent even come close to that kind of deal.

On another note..I'm spossed to get my wife something for mothers day? I thought that was the kids job now.

I took the kids up to Michaels Craft Store so they could pick out their gifts for her. My youngest son got her a castle, he said he'll paint it in the morning. That's a funny little dude. I said "Adam, do you think she'll like it?" He said, "I think she'll love it" :D

There was no way, I was gonna try and talk him out of it.


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Michaels is a cool store. Nothing like that around here. Of course I always spring for dinner tomorrow night though. Always gotta take her to her favorite restaruant.
HAhaha in the meantime, with that link, use duct tape! its amazing, does wonders :P

might even save that tank!


but congratz on the find, nothing like that in Australia
Sweet! Looks like a good deal for you and a good week :)

Did you ask him about scratches in it? I would hate to get a tank all set up and the scratches be bugging the heck outta you =P
As promised here are some pics of my new goodies. Not like Smitty..aquarium stuff.:D I just pulled off the DB Cooper move of the reefer world...Guy just had no idea what he had.. before we get all heart broken...he's in the middle of a divorce and moving to you can stop shedding tears for him.

Here's what I ended up walking away with for $250.

(1)180g without a scratch on it.
(2) 36" T5
(1) 48" T5
(1) Koralia pump it's bigger than my 3's but I can't read the number on the back.
(1) Fluval FX-5 with additional motor(brand new condition) When he fot the FX5 he couldn't get the water adjusted, assumed the motor was bad, fluval sent him a new one and then the LFS came over and showed him how to adjust.
(2) 400w heaters

and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff, scrubbers, a mag-float that will cut your finger in half if you're not careful...


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I'm going to sell the Fluval, I don't need it or want it, Once I get the new tank set up I'm going to slip the lights in with my existing light and see if it adds anything to the look of the tank, if it doesn't, I'll sell that stuff too. I'll throw out some good prices and pass it along to you guys first if anybody is interested. I'll keep ya posted, I'm going to do the tank switch on Saturday, I'll make sure to take some pics!!