Sump/Refugium finally done


Reefing newb
I am 15 and have been in the hobby for 2 years now, i have had a 30 gallon tank a recently upgraded to a 55g. For 6 months now i have been researching gall about how to make a DIY sump/refugium, on this site and Youtube. I have finally finished, with all the work done by me, which is quite surprising. I have a 30 gallon tank, with a PVC overflow. The total cost was around $35 so far, but it isn't finished, i need to get some macro algae. Once that gets here i will put water in it and get it running.


  • SumpRefugium 012.jpg
    SumpRefugium 012.jpg
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Looks good Fishboy, if I can make a few suggestions before you get water in it and running.
I'm assuming the left side is coming from the tank? If so, I would extend the pipe another few inches so that it will actually be submerged when the sump is full of water. I think that have the water falling in from 2-3 inches above the water surface will cause micro bubbles that you want to avoid.
And in the section to the right, it looks like you return pump is suspended off the bottom of the tank. You should really have it sitting on the bottom, where it is now, it looks like if your water level drops a little you'll be sucking in air. With it on the bottom you have a greater water reserve in that section to pull water from.
I know i have another section of pvc that will go on the end of the pipe coming form the tank. For the return, i still have to put a ball valve on that pvc so that will be on the bottom, sorry its not fully done yet.
No reason to be sorry, just trying to be helpful. It looks great though, I probably couldn't have done that when I was 15 :Cheers: