Could 3 Pepermint shrip eat a long tentacle anenome


Reefing newb
Hello, I can't find my long tentacle anenome. 2 weeks ago I got three pepermint shrimp to take care of some aptaisa. Which they did, 5 aptaisa with in a week. Not to long after putting in the pepermint shrimp my long tentacle would not open up and was his arm like he use to. Then last night he pulled in all of his tentacles and today he is missing can't find any ware in the tank. Fish all swimming around find shrimp still poking around and snail still doing there thing on algae.

So could three pepermint shrimp eat a about four inch long tentacle anenome? I have attached a picture of the anenome so you can see his size when he was fully extended and open. The star fish is about a 6 inches accross.


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Normally,Pepperments will only eat the smaller aiptasias.But I guess anything is possible in this hobby.
It could have retreated into your rock because nems need established tanks to thrive. It says your tank was started about 4 months ago, that's not long in the tank hobby, unfortunately :grumble:. Water conditions can change in a new tank dramatically so something could've swung and upset it. I hope it comes back out for you though. Good luck!
I got this tank form someone else I has been up all most two years and she had the anenome for about a year. I have searched the tank as much as I could with out actually tanking out the rock and no signs of it.
I got this tank form someone else I has been up all most two years and she had the anenome for about a year. I have searched the tank as much as I could with out actually tanking out the rock and no signs of it.

Alrighty, thats good to know. Have you changed the flow at all? changed the lighting cycle? Have you or your LFS checked your params?