Refugium flow ok?????

crazy cajun

Reefing newb
i have this 30 gal sump built that i would like to have a refugium will this still work i dont see why not, i got the design for the sump on that Limpits reef video before i found out about using a refugium, it should still work ??? let me know yall thoughts


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plus, you want the baffle to slow the water flow down before the fuge part, if you put it in the first section it will constantly stir up the sand and chaeto in there.
i understand what yall are saying i agree that the skimmer probably should go first but i already built it with the second chamber for the skimmer due to the baffle hight, so are you saying i need to rip out the baffles and start over?? i guess i should not have followed that Limpits reef video
do i really need the cheato and sand i see sum people only have live rock if so i can leave the set up alone???? i hate to start ripping it apart after i just spent time building it. i guess it would just be a sump and not a fuge that way???
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If you don't keep macroalgae, there's really no point of having a fuge. You don't need to rip it apart or take out the baffles. Why can't you just put the skimmer in the first section?
ok i guess i wont use micro algea but i cant put the skimmer in the first section because its 13" deep the skimmer needs 8-10" to operate correct i have 9"baffle in the second section see the baffle
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I think the last baffle should be higher in your return section. You are going to be doing a lot of topping off with it that low. I think it should be at least 9", as high as the first one on the bubble trap
If the first section is too deep for your skimmer you can always make a small platform to raise your skimmer up a few inches
What if you put the skimmer return into the fuge area? That reef octo is gonna give you micro should put more distance from the skimmer return to the return pump. I also think that skimmer has a recommended water depth it should be in.
Like somebody else said, build a small platform out of PVC and egg crate for the skimmer and put it in the first chamber.
ok so if i build a stand for the skimmer to be in the correct water hight in the first chamber will the second chamber with the 9" baffle be enough depth for a decent fuge???
I think that is the waty you want it. Main water drain goes to skimmer with some of the water either deverted or pumped to the to the fug that flows back to the skimmer and then to the return pump. You want slow flow to the fug not the fast flow. Flow from the skimmer to the return pump section is fast.
+1 super

why dont you T the drain and put a ball valve on the drain going to the fuge. not all of your water should go through your fuge anyway.
I would say leave it how it is because the power of your return pump will be the amount of water coming down your drain and thats alot of flow for a fuge.