

Reefing newb
We have this terrible habit of driving to different fish stores we've never been to that are a good ways away just to see what they have.

Drove about 1 1/2 hours to another one today and came home with this guy!

Question, should I stick his "foot" (for lack of a better word; you can see it in the second picture) into the sand a bit or leave it on top where it is? I don't know if hermits scrabbling over it will irritate it any.


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He's cool like that on the sandbed. What is your light? Feed it some shrimp, a few pieces, see it grab them and move the food towards it's mouth.
T5s 4 bulb setup. LFS guy said that would be enough. Hope he's right. I've read it needs moderate to high.

And I certainly plan to feed it! It's actually really fun to target feed our corals. The Duncans are fun to watch eat as well.
If for what ever reason it looks like it's not doing well you could always move it up a little. Those lights should be enough for them
That's what I figured. If it starts going downhill, it's not like it does it in 10 minutes. It's flowing nicely but doesn't look like it's in a hurricane so hopefully we won't have to relocate it. I like it where it is. Looks nice.
Very nice addition...its ok in the sand for now, just try to keep it from lying on its side so that the sand doesn't irritate it. Those lights will be fine for it.
I personally would move him up on the rocks. If a fish should take his tail and shoot some sand on him it would irritate him and maybe cause damage. I have mine up on top of the rocks. Been there for 5 yrs now.

I agree with Mike. I have mine 3/4 of the way up in my tank, and under dual 250 MH. I know where he is, he's safe and not being irritated.

Maybe just move your's up a little into the rockwork so the sand doesn't become an issue for him.
You just answered a question for me Mike, I got a 5 head frag of frogspawn and cut of a branch with 2 heads on, putting it near the top and leaving the three head in the sand. Both are doing fine and the one on top seems to be growing faster
Hmm, my frogspawn is up about 4 in. from sandbed but my shrimp WONT LEAVE IT! Is that a problem My damn cleaner shrimp won't leave him alone!