Tang with disease?


Reefing newb
I am new to the this. Anyways our tang has something going on at the base of its fin. Also there is one white spot. You should be able to see both in the pic. Any ideas? TIA



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I'm not sure what that could be, but it looks like a combination of a couple things. The fin rot and the spot appear to be two different conditions. I would quarantine the fish and treat with some medications -- that looks pretty severe.
That white spot is starting right near the lateral line. I`ve seen many a tang scarred up with those white spots all over their face near the line. That`s my guess anyway.
My Atlantic Blue Tang gets white marks on him when squeezing between the rocks. They go away in a few days and are not perfectly round.

How's the fish now?
Thanks for all of your responses. So for an update. I officially took over the tank on Sunday 5/16. I am super stressed about everything because I don't know a lot and there are a lot of things that are wrong right now because the last person wasn't as attentive as she should have been. I have been voraciously researching so that I can get things back in order before fish and (more) corals die.

We actually have 3 tangs - 1 yellow and 2 of this variety which I believe are Brown Scopas Tangs. The yellow tang is fine. Both of the Scopas are now exhibiting symptoms though. HLLE makes sense because I think it is nutritional/water quality related. They have only been fed mysis shrimp for the past few months. They are now being fed Formula 2 flakes and seaweed in addition to the shrimp. This should help the nutrition problem. I bought a new hydrometer because the old one was giving crazy readings. Using the new hydrometer, the salinity was over 40. According to what I've read, I know I need a refractometer for reliable results but the budget won't allow for it right now. I have the salinity under control. Hopefully things start looking better. I have someone coming next week to help me figure some stuff out. Hopefully nothing dies before then!

Thanks again!
I'd still suggest you get a refractometer rather than a hydro. The hydros tend to lose reliability over time. The refractometer would give you better readings.
First of all don't panic and just start dumping stuff in the tank to cure it. The Tangs didn't get that way overnight, and you're not going to cure them overnight. If possible I would definitely put them in a hospital tank.

Why don't you give us a run-down of your equipment, tank, lights, foods, a history of what you've done so far (i.e was the tank moved?)...everything.... and we'll walk you through it while you're researching. Believe me everybody here is more than willing to help, and we definitely don't want your fish to die.
start mixing garlic with the food, it will help their immune system. Tangs are Herbivore above all other so having only shrimp in their diet for a while could have been a reason.. was there plenty of algae in the tank when you were feeding them only shrimp and did you happen to notice if they were eating any of it?

Glad you got them on the right diet...garlic should help.