Brain on the fritz


Reefing newb
So over the past two weeks I have been trying to get my brain coral to recover from a near death experience. It is now 30 or 40 percent white skeleton and I was just looking at it and noticed that a portion of what used to be white skeleton is now gone and has turned grey. Does anyone have any Idea what this could be?
The skeleton is just aging I bet. Stuff is just starting to grow over the old skeleton. Soon it will be covered with coraline and other critters
There is still hope for your brain though. If the polyps are still alive, they can make a comeback. Even if just a few cells survive, they can slowly come back.
ok heres the brain.On the left side it almost looks like it is melting. Im at a loss. Please help.Sorry it took me so long.


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Unfortunately a coral in that condition seldom returns to a healthy state in my experience. It has to have everything just perfect or it will just continue to die. Good luck with it; I wish I had some answers for you. :(