My Tank


Reefing newb
Here you go guys. You have helped so much and the fact that i promised WONTON for these pics lol. Its only 5 months old and i still need more LR but hey not a bad start.


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thank you guys so much... i couldnt have done it without your help and the wonderfull placement eye of the lady :) she pointed out were she wants the rock lol. As you might notice the green algea on the rocks that is what i was talking about yesterday. Is that normal and what can i do to get rid of it without using chemicals. Its to hard to pull it off the rocks but i thought about doing a fresh water dip on the rocks and scrubbing them but i would loose the coraline that i have on them.. what do you guys recomend?
Yeah, you're's a boring tank. Why did you post it?

JUST KIDDING!! Looks great :D At least you have things other than fish, like mine LOL Thanks for sharing!
A freshwater dip is not going to kill that algae. You should get a Mexican turbo snail or two to take care of it. Also, try and find the reason why you are getting hair algae. Do you use tap water? Are you feeding flake/pellet foods? Do you overfeed? Do you keep up with regular water changes?