Kati's 28 Gallon JBJ LED Nano

Finally got a decent pic of my rock! I have rearranged the back a bit. Now you can see the open clam shell. (Empty) And the new ones (Back R corner and front R Corner.)

Skimmer gets in tomorrow....


And BF's Cat is still watching the tank ....She knows there should be fish in there. LOL
I've read good and bad reviews for it too but, I just bought one though to use temporarily till I get my refug. setup.
I've read good and bad reviews for it too but, I just bought one though to use temporarily till I get my refug. setup.

Ya....I am trying to get info on exactly HOW to set up the middle chamber as a refuge for now. (Again...upgrade later when I can and know more.) Totally different thread posted for that one.
It's not hard but, there are limitations if you use the stock media basket (it's extremely small, and not all of the water flows through it). Someone on the nano-reef forum made one for me, (you can see the difference) it allows all the water to flow thru the basket. Right now, I have filter floss in the top chamber and the middle will be chaeto and the bottom will have some LR (once I get it).


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It's not hard but, there are limitations if you use the stock media basket (it's extremely small, and not all of the water flows through it). Someone on the nano-reef forum made one for me, (you can see the difference) it allows all the water to flow thru the basket. Right now, I have filter floss in the top chamber and the middle will be chaeto and the bottom will have some LR (once I get it).

Ok so you use the basket. Gotcha

I want that basket!! :D
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One thing I have read in a couple reviews for the stock Skimmer - Get new stiffer tubing. This comes with a very soft pliable tubing, and it looks like any bend is gonna collapse it. Mine already has 2 collapse creases just from shipping. This makes sense to me, as restricted air flow would inhibit performance.....? The reviewers said once they replaced the softer tubing, it worked alot better.
One thing I have read in a couple reviews for the stock Skimmer - Get new stiffer tubing. This comes with a very soft pliable tubing, and it looks like any bend is gonna collapse it. Mine already has 2 collapse creases just from shipping. This makes sense to me, as restricted air flow would inhibit performance.....? The reviewers said once they replaced the softer tubing, it worked alot better.
Sounds like it makes sense, an easy fix with a quick stop at HD
I know there are still better ones out there, but any improvement I can do in the meantime will help the budget and let me move ahead.

Now if all these amazing thing would start growing!! :D I mean geez!! It's been up since Wednesday.

Well....Most of the guys at my LFS are awesome. I think I have mentioned that one already. Today I went in to return a bucket that they loaned me to bring home a couple pieces of LR.... A guy I have never seen before decides to 'help me'.....mind you I am just looking around as my other 2 fish guys know I always do. Ok, no problem. I said I was cycling my tank and just looking. He immediately tells me to 'toss a few damsels in, it'll go faster." Ekkkkkkkk !! I politely said no thanks, I am cycling with LR. He tells me that takes too long. I said "I'm patient."

I keep looking around. He keeps popping up behind me when I least expect it. So finally, 1 because I forgot, and 2 just to give him a question to answer, I asked how much the hermit crabs were. ($1.19 ea)...Ok...thank you. He then tells me that I can go ahead and toss those in right now. They won't be affected by the cycling. There's plenty of food on the LR and they don't care if the tank is only a few days old.

More Ekkkkkkkkkkkkk ! I said no, I'd wait....do it slow....take my time. Thanks anyway.

He never once asked Tank size, params...HOW old my tank was....Nothing. Heck for all he knew I had a FW and just like looking at SW fish!

I promptly left. Was not a fun happy day at the LFS today. :(

But I didn't cave!!! :)
Good for you....did you throw a piece of fresh shrimp form the grocery store in your tank to help the cycle along?
Good for you....did you throw a piece of fresh shrimp form the grocery store in your tank to help the cycle along?

No, I just set it up with the rock. My Nitrites are high right now. Higher than yesterday. Ammonia was up a bit yesterday but is 0 today. Hopefully things are progressing nicely. :D I want color! lol

Good job! You didn't fall into his "traps". True, you can cycle your tank faster with live fish, but they probably won't live!

Exactly. Even in my 55 FW tank I didn't put my $1 Neons in til it cycled. :P (They were on sale.)

The most irritating thing - after the whole who cares about cycling with live fish - was he didn't even bother to ask any background gathering questions. Heck, he'd have probably sold me 3 tangs if I wanted them!