Something killing and or nesting on my hammer coral, ID requested


Reefing newb
Hey guys. I have a hammerhead I got a few weeks ago. One of his heads was slightly damaged in shipping or so I thought. The head has slowly degraded. But now as it moves farther away from the edges it seems something has been eating him or nesting on him. Either way it seems to be the one responsible for his decline. He has about half that head left. It is the head on the left of the picture. He has some creature encrusted in the middle( what is it anyway?
). But it doesn't seems to have bothered him much. The area I am worried about is the one that looks white. Almost like a fungus or maybe some type of eggs? It actually grew quite a bit in the last 24 hours. I have no idea so can someone with more experience with hammerheads give me some advice. Should I dip him ? Can I use melafix and pimafix on him? Not sure how to proceed from here


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The things growing in it are feather dusters, which are harmless. The white area just looks like die-off to me. Are you sure your water parameters and lighting are good enough to keep it alive? Also, try an iodine dip.
That's what mine looked like as it died.I had a bulb going bad and didn't realize it until to late try moving it higher in the tank. that is also what they look like when there isn't enough light as Biff mentioned
Or too much flow. Do you have it in a lot of flow? Hammers cannot take a lot of flow. It will literally rip the flesh right off the skeleton.
I agree, Hammer Corals do not like strong water flow. [FONT=&quot]You can try using airline tubing to siphon off the dead/necrotic tissue and giving the coral a bath with an Iodine solution like TM Pro Coral Cure or similar product is likely the best way to treat the problem as the iodine will act as an antiseptic and hopefully kill prevent the spread of the tissue necrosis.[/FONT]