Drvillen's Size 29 Biocube


Reefing newb
Set tank up on Feb. 4, 2010 The pictures will go in progression.
First picture is day 1, second is day 4 added live rock, third picture is day 7


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Next shots are the next few days of additions, let me know if you think I am going to fast...
Dwarf hermit crabs, few snails, some mushrooms and a slug of some kind, my white sand goby tried to eat him a few times spit him out and was dead the next day. Very disappointing, or I starved him to death in the small tank. Any Ideas would be helpful..


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Looks good....did you check all your parameters during the cycle? You should have 0 ammonia and nitrites. Good aquascaping :)
Nice job. I guess you got cured live rock locally since it cycled so fast? Even tho mushroom corals are easy to keep and very hardy, I suggest holding off on buying any more corals until your tank matures a little more. There are still all kinds of chemical reactions going on in there and it's not conditions corals really like.

What died? The goby or the slug? Is the goby eating food you put in the tank (if it's not dead)?
I've had a BC29 for over 2 years and your modifications have just begun! The best mod I did was to ditch the bioballs, scrape the black paint off the back of chamber 2, fill it with cheato and put 2 lights on it.
Nice job. I guess you got cured live rock locally since it cycled so fast? Even tho mushroom corals are easy to keep and very hardy, I suggest holding off on buying any more corals until your tank matures a little more. There are still all kinds of chemical reactions going on in there and it's not conditions corals really like.

What died? The goby or the slug? Is the goby eating food you put in the tank (if it's not dead)?

LFS had just got Fiji rock, took it home put it in the tank for a day, took it out next day and rinsed all the dead stuff off with SW, then back in the tank. Ok, no more coral or anything for a while. Goby died and it was eating the pellets, that's why I think the slug had something to do with it....
Ok here are a few more pictures of my tank..
Nemo the Percula Clown, Labatt the Koran Angel, Brain the Open Brain Coral(who has never opened, that I have seen), Enni the Anemone, Pinky the Feather Duster, and some mushrooms, there is also a small Sally Lightfoot Crab (won't be staying long so she doen't eat my fish) and a Blood Shrimp (moulted two times already), I will not be adding anything else, will move everyone to a larger tank next year or so. Then use the Cube as a quarantine for new stock. Anyone with a Biocube have a problem with the fiter media plugging up and restricting the water flow to the pump??? Oh ya, how do I tell if Brain is happy or not? There is a little feather duster type thing on the left underside of brain, can you see it??


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I hate to be a downer, but I think you are headed for trouble. Nems need a well established tank of a year or more, and Angels need a minimum of 125g. I encourage you to reconsider your livestock selections for this tank or reconsider your choice of tanks. I know how frustrating it is to be told that you can't or shouldn''t keep the livestock you have selected and grown attached to, but from experience I fear that you are headed for a BIG letdown with your stocking choices.
+1 Justin
You have to start researching your purchases. That Koran angel can grow to 15", but besides that, it eats the corals you have in your tank. I bet it's nipping the brain.
What kind of lights are on that system? Anemones need high intensity light AND a mature system.

I see lots of trouble on the horizon.....................
Wow! I'll take heed to what these guys have told you. It will be in your best interest...trust me. :) btw, your aquascaping looks nice. :)
Ok, thank you for the info, the angel is only 3/4 of an inch long. In the readings I have done misleading I guess, they don't become a problem till they are a bit larger, I do intend to get a larger tank in the short future. My LFS will hold anything for me if it does become problematic, not sure if that would help. I was told the Angel is a slow grower as well, lied to again?? My background is in freshwater guess this is no where near the same. Hmmm
anyone want to buy some livestock? The brain was 3" by about 4" and cost all of $15. No more saying okay honey we will get it! lol
+1 Justin
You have to start researching your purchases. That Koran angel can grow to 15", but besides that, it eats the corals you have in your tank. I bet it's nipping the brain.
What kind of lights are on that system? Anemones need high intensity light AND a mature system.

I see lots of trouble on the horizon.....................

The lights that came with the Biocube are all that is there right now. Weird anemone eats the shrimp, "looks" content.
The lights that came with the Biocube are all that is there right now. Weird anemone eats the shrimp, "looks" content.
Nems need the most intense lights. More intense than just about any other creatures we try to keep. I'm not too familiar with the different Biocubes but if I recall, they come with PC's. If that's the case, they will not be sufficient to keep a nem. There is a MH mod you can do to some of those nano's that will allow you to keep nems but if you are using Power Compact Flourescents, you are headed for trouble. The problem with nems is that they eat and look healthy, aside from color, all the way up until it's too late. They die very slowly, and usually by the time you can see that they aren't doing well, their tissue is too weak and if you try to remove them, they literally fall apart into thousands of little bits of toxic goo. If you let it get to that point, you can pretty much guarantee a tank crash, especially in a nano tank. Nems are supposed to be brown, if it starts to turn white, it's dying. I'd highly recommend that if your BC doesn't have MH lighting, you return the nem for credit at your LFS and abandon the plan to keep nems until you have the right system for one. Even if your lighting is right, they require a mature system, or an experienced hobbyist to sustain them.
Nems need the most intense lights. More intense than just about any other creatures we try to keep. I'm not too familiar with the different Biocubes but if I recall, they come with PC's. If that's the case, they will not be sufficient to keep a nem. There is a MH mod you can do to some of those nano's that will allow you to keep nems but if you are using Power Compact Flourescents, you are headed for trouble. The problem with nems is that they eat and look healthy, aside from color, all the way up until it's too late. They die very slowly, and usually by the time you can see that they aren't doing well, their tissue is too weak and if you try to remove them, they literally fall apart into thousands of little bits of toxic goo. If you let it get to that point, you can pretty much guarantee a tank crash, especially in a nano tank. Nems are supposed to be brown, if it starts to turn white, it's dying. I'd highly recommend that if your BC doesn't have MH lighting, you return the nem for credit at your LFS and abandon the plan to keep nems until you have the right system for one. Even if your lighting is right, they require a mature system, or an experienced hobbyist to sustain them.
Thank you! I will look into changing things or returning, he is a nice brown currently, has been in the tank for 2 weeks...
I love those angels, but like the other posts stated, they're not reef safe and they need alot of swimming room. 125g +.
I love those angels, but like the other posts stated, they're not reef safe and they need alot of swimming room. 125g +.

I do realize that they get larger, right now he is only 3/4" long, how much time would I have before getting him into a larger tank, he won't grow 3 inches a month will he? Not trying to be smart, just trying to educate myself through the other members kind help and patience..