Holloween Urchin


Ha Ha Thats Funny!
I got this guy the other day and he is so cool! He's always on the move and has cleared a whole rock clean already! I placed him on this rock to eat the red crap for me, he's into it so far.

Oh my god, I'm so jealous! I love urchins! GREAT find, I wish mine were so colorful.

That red crap looks kind of like corraline to me?
I'll take an urchin over a snail any day.:D
Mines made a huge dent in the turf algae that WAS all over my rock.
I'll take an urchin over a snail any day.:D
Mines made a huge dent in the turf algae that WAS all over my rock.

+1 on that - for my 150, my CuC is going to be based around urchins...maybe 2-3 of those, 2 turbos, 10 nass, some hermits, and a few shrimp...that's it.
No stinkin' way! I just bought the same urchin about a week or so ago...and I wasn't certain what it was called. Halloween Urchin? We've been calling it the kiwi, carrot stick urchin! lol



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I ALMOST got a longspine, but then I realized:

A) how BIG they can get and
B) how dang clumsy they are!

My California Purple Spine is SO gentle, even around the frags I've been too lazy to glue down yet. I like the pincushions because they are smaller.
I've never owned an urchin either. I dunno I just never thought they were that great looking. I may change that tune if I get some algae build up they can mow thru though
I have 4 urchins and I love to watch them. I say get one and go for it! :) There are some real pretty ones...and they're fun to photograph.
He is pretty cool to watch with all those little sucker arms. I picked him up for the first time and its all soft feeling, I thought it would stick me or something...
Try picking him up AFTER he's noticed your after him:D
They can be tough to get loose from the rocks at times.Thats when the spines start sticking you.