Boring Clam


Got Fish?
I got a new's not much to look at. Do they open up or anything? I paid $48 for it...and it really just appears to be a shell. Hmmmmmmmmm....



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Clams generally need a mature, establised system with high intensity lighting and stable calcium, alk and magnesium levels.....much like keeping SPS corals. That looks like a crocea clam and they need lots of light and should be high up on your rocks, not down in the sand.
It should open up over time... It does look kind of sad. Usually the mantle will be flowing over the sides of the shell. Hopefully it will color up nicely too.
How long have you had it? It looks like it is receding into its shell. It may be dying if it has been like this for several days.
It came into my LFS on Friday. I picked it up and got it into my tank on Saturday. This is how it's looked for the passed 24 hours. I expected to see something different when I woke up this morning---so I thought I better post some photos and get some opinions.
It still may come around. Do they (LFS) offer a guarantee? Could you take it back. It should be opening up more.

My LFS is pretty good about giving me store credit....but I'm just not sure since I had it ordered. I guess I'll wait it out. Hopefully it's just still in shock.
Could still be in shock from getting delivered to the LFS. How did it look at the LFS?

It looked the same at the fish store. I'm wondering where it came from...if it journeyed from CA to NH or something, that's quite a trip. And who knows? If it was shipped by FedEX, it could've gone to Europe or something first. Hehehe
They don't ship well, and the LFS should have kept it longer than 24hrs to allow it to recover from the stress of shipment. at this point all you can do is minimize its stress by ensuring that it's placed under enough light, has a piece of LR to attach its foot to, and that nothing in the tank is disturbing it. Don't move it anymore than you have to, but it should not be directly on the sand. Realize though that once it attaches lo the LR you will never be able to move it, so we usually attach them to a small piece of rubble. Also, as stated, they need stable water conditions and they eat phyto so you should plan on starting to dose the tank with phyto.
It's in the sand now...seems settled...nothing's bothering it. Should I take the chance of touching it and irritating it again to get it on live rock? How important is it? Thanks.
I would think setting it on a rock now would be better for it in the long run. You dont want it attaching to the bottom of the tank. Then you wouldnt be able to move it at all.

I have never had a clam so this might not be good advice. I would just think you want it to attach to something moveable just incase.