VAreef's quickstart 65


Reefing newb
I'm starting back up my 65 and breaking alot of rules. I don't have the luxury to have patience. I was months from actually putting water in my tank when a friend called and said help my tank sprung a leak. So now I will have an up and running tank in 2 days with some button polyps, live rock, snails, and 2 damsels. Lost in the move was a siphon tube for overflow box, sump return pump, 2 powerheads, 1 heater, and some other minor stuff. Let's hope the fish and polyps live. Needless to say I now have a tank on lifesupport that I will prolly have to watch like a hawk. Luckily I'm using her sand and rocks, and some of her water.

I'm trying to attack a pic so hope it works I haven't done this in awhile.


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I'm guessing it's gonna be all online. There isn't a fish store that has saltwater near me at all. I did luck out and found 1 jug of salt that the one pet store in town had left since he sold off all his salt stuff.
So what is the Bermuda Triangle? Is that your Tanks name? I looked at your tank build it is looking great Yote.
Oh now thats what I'm talking about. Talk about lucky Yote can ya say employee discount! I may just have to drive down there and check that out.
I'm now on day 3 of tank start up. I can't put my lights on the tank due to the filter. I have to use the filter since my sump isn't running yet. I spent all morning building a DIY overflow syphon but haven't installed since I have no clue how long PVC glue needs to cure before being put in tank. Wouldn't matter anyway since I don't have a pump to return from the sump.

All and all though I have the LR in 2 fish and some button polyps. You don't think Im going to fast do you?
And NO pics. :grumble: :mrgreen:

You don't think Im going to fast do you?
Gotta do what ever it takes.:D

And yeah.I help out part-time at Bermuda when I can.And dont need an employee discount.:D I work for corals :bounce:
Well everything is cloudy and such but....You know me I love my pics...I'm a bit lost since I only have a cell phone to take pics though

PS I was hoping for the employee discount for me not you LOL


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I almost came down today. My better half got home to late from work though.

All this time I have been taking crappy cell phone pics and I find out my oldest son has a digital camera.

Got my lights on, the polyps are opening, the damsels are eating, and damsels won't eat dried plankton food.

Here are a few more pics. Some are still from the crappy cell phone.


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I need to come down and see you Yote. I need to get the sump up and running so I can get ride of this hang on back filter.
What are you needing to get it up and going?
I'll be going by the store tomorrow sometime,so I can make sure we've got it.
I just need a pump and overflow and I can start running water thru the sump. This week Im going to try some home made stuff just to get it going.
I just need a pump and overflow and I can start running water thru the sump. This week Im going to try some home made stuff just to get it going.

I know we've got a couple of mag dirve pumps.And we've started carrying the sicce pumps.They have a 3 year warranty on them.

I'll let ya know what we've got in there.
Got the cleaners in today. The snails got so friendly on the trip they didn't want to let go of each other.


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Congrats on your new system Tnreef(formally known as Vareef).The live rock awesome,btw.

Ha,ha...that's what I do.Dump the snails in and watch them flip each other over when they try to crawl over another shell.