Pipe Organ


Got Fish?
I think this is a pipe organ coral? If anybody has one, are there any tips or suggestions? Thanks.



  • IMG_7127.webp
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Don't know anything about that coral, but what is that fish peeking in the camera. Is it a wrasse? it looks like my avatar
That's what I was wondering!!! The LFS guy told me it was a pipe organ because it has hard red 'pipe' looking crustaceans? that it grows out of.....but I thought it looked a lot like the star polyp I already have. Who knew?! Cripes...lol.
Here...let me look in my archives. :) I'm sure I already have one! :)

Well it turns out my computer isn't cooperating tonight. I'll be sure to post a photo when I can get it to do as I ask! lol I also have an exquiste fairy wrasse that's a beauty...I'll post that one too. :)
Turns out my teenager almost deleted my photos! All 2,000+ of them UGH! Any-who...they were rescued....and here are my wrasses. :)

This is Raja...



  • IMG_6385.webp
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Oops...I mean Leonitus. I don't even know my own fish! lol



I lost some photos of a dive trip I was on in Couzemel when I accidentally formatted the card while it was in my camera. I still haven't gotten over it. Good save.

Oh year, I was 1 of 7 boys, my poor mom. Good thing my father knew how to keep us in line. Usually by putting us to work as a team doing landscaping or other odds and ends. Now it's computer, PS3, TV, worse gangs.